Commutes LIbby's Sentence
Published on July 2, 2007 By Daiwa In Politics
Yet another "LAST STRAW".  

Just wanted to beat Gene to the punch. Couldn't resist.
Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 03, 2007
Sorry I missed this one Daiwa. I see you hooked the troll though. I wonder if he would count in the Bass-a-rama?
on Jan 05, 2009

Was just thinkin' - kinda miss ole Gene in a perverted sort of way.

on Jan 06, 2009

If you aren't pharisaical about this Murderer-in-Chief, then you are a Rechimplican!! Say no to capitalism! Say no to our government of the racists, by the freepers, and for the Mossad!! Power to the pagans!!! Eat me. As a migrant Canadian, needless to say I am cross-eyed. Evidently, say goodbye to free money!!!! Talk to the hand!!!!

What can we expect next? Will the murderers come to cajole me for being a prisoner!! What about the Kyoto treaty!!!!? What about church-state separation and EQUAL rights FOR the 17,179 Shiite lesbians who are starved every single day by our lying thief!!!? I'm sure, when the Zionists say "tort reform," they REALLY mean "neocolonialism"!!! Texans.

You really should read "Whither the Kittens," by Barack Obama! What about solar energy!!!? What about the ecosystem for the 28,206 Native American rainforests who are arrested in Syria every day by our EMPEROR and his toadies!!!? Prayer, indeed!!!! The Repuglickins stole the election (while Enron sat on the sidelines)!

The truth is at! Oh!!!!?

Liberty and justice for all, indeed!! I despise you! It looks like we can say goodbye to freedom of EXPRESSION. ROFL!!! U.S. get out of Guantanamo.

Drop dead!!!?

Paul Wolfowitz!!!? Bill Frist!!!? I can't tell one neoconservative, antichoice CHEERLEADER for the Knesset from the other. I reject SUVs.


Little.... while I am not a bush supporter ( though I think down the road he will be looked at as one of the BETTER presidents, time always gives itself time to sort itself out ) You have to rememeber that the Dems are the majority too, so they have the sticky hands all over stuff too

on Jan 06, 2009

COL Gene
"Jimmy Carter and his love for dictators still hold that one."

I agree Carter was not a great President. However, neither Carter nor Clinton did the HARM that Bush has done to our country!


Wow.... i mean clinton or carter had NOTHING to do with the housing bubble and the banks hey

on Jan 07, 2009

Hey whip dont worry hope and change is only a few days away! More government in our lives isnt that great?

on Jan 07, 2009

hopeisonthehorizontheliberalswillsaveallofusbypickingourpocketsandgivingallourmoney to worthlessscumbagsnamblanacypelosiwilldeclareherselfqueenofamericaanddenounceanyoneslightlyrightofhugochavezwhowill


on Jan 07, 2009

Wow.... i mean clinton or carter had NOTHING to do with the housing bubble and the banks hey

I think you missed the old bird.  To Col Klink, Bush was really Pilate, Genghis Khan,  and Ivan the Terrible before wrecking havoc on the 20th century as Tojo, Hitler, and Mussolini (Bush had a talent for being in more than one place at a time).

on Jan 07, 2009

Might be interesting to hear the Col's comments on BO's proposed deficit spending.

on Jan 08, 2009

Might be interesting to hear the Col's comments on BO's proposed deficit spending.


BUT BUT I THOUGHT HE WAS GONNA BALANCE THE BUDGET! How dare him! He PROMISED blanacing... i mean thats what was one of things he ran on right??!


its funny that how Huge supporters of BO have now or less stopped using that in debates.... they are now running out of things because more or less.... hes doing nothing that he more or less promised

on Jan 08, 2009


Hey whip dont worry hope and change is only a few days away! More government in our lives isnt that great?
I've got a poopy diaper. When can I expect the Messiah to arrive to change it?


well I am sure that there will be a new gov program where you can apply for a nanny.... paid but the top 5% of the taxpayers... because after all , they can afford it didnt you hear?

on Jan 08, 2009

Might be interesting to hear the Col's comments on BO's proposed deficit spending

Why?  I can give you the synopsis of it now - It is about time someone got that evil Bush out of office and started rebuilding the nation!  He was responsible for the Plague, the extinction of the dinosaurs, the cruxifiction of Christ, the Holocaust, the Islamic Jihad, and stale bread!

on Jan 08, 2009


Did he?  I wasn't aware of that.


Yeah he was gonna go line by line....get it balanced. And then shortly after the election he withdrew that and said that would be on the back burner,dem121307.article

on Jan 09, 2009


And then shortly after the election he withdrew that
Some change, eh?


you see the newest spending proposal he has for the new tec person... another branch of the government! Change you can believe in.... cut the pork out...o wait...

on Jan 09, 2009

I just love how everyone's arguing now about where the umpteen billion dollar 'stimulus' money is going to go, while conveniently ignoring where it's going to COME from.

From our future masters.

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