It's Not So Pretty
Published on February 10, 2009 By Daiwa In Health & Medicine

I'm not a particular fan of the American Medical Association.  In my view, it is too enmeshed with currying favor with the federal government (also known as partnering) to be an effective advocate for either patients or physicians.  But occasionally the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) publishes some worthwhile reading.  The latest issue has a commentary about the collision of scientific principles with interest-group advocacy politics and an editorial about the futility of central or top-down micromanagement, which are very interesting and say a lot about the future of healthcare, in particular our ability (or lack thereof) to make informed decisions for ourselves, in our increasingly federalized system.

I can't republish the articles here but the references (links) for those interested are:

Science, Politics, and Values: The Politicization of Professional Practice Guidelines
Kraemer and Gostin
JAMA. 2009; 301: 665-667.

The Elusive Quest for Quality and Cost Savings in the Medicare Program
John Z. Ayanian, MD, MPP
JAMA. 2009; 301(6): 668-670.


EDIT 2-11-14:  Time to update the Title to more appropriately reflect reality.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Feb 10, 2014

Obamacare is a Marxist attack against the Family. Obama and the statists are worse than madmen, he/they are a type of antichrist.

And for sure if we don't wake up and reject State control of our lives, our future in the one world order is not going to be pretty.






on Feb 11, 2014

a few million other suckers pick up the tab?

Except those "few million" are getting fewer and fewer.  The slugs will not change.  But Obama will make more slugs.  Until we are Zimbabwe.

on Feb 12, 2014

"I can do whatever I want." ....Barack Hussein Obama

A Freudian slip?

on Feb 14, 2014

Now BO's IRS is going to require businesses to certify in writing, under penalty of perjury, that if they reduced their work force from some number greater than 99 to 99 or less that they did not do so because of Obamacare (to get into the waivered group).  I don't believe there is any basis in law for this requirement.  Avoiding a tax (remember, that's what it is, not a 'penalty' or 'fee' - just ask John Roberts) 'legally' by reducing your workforce can't be 'illegal', especially when the waiver being taken advantage of is illegal in the first place (there is no authority in law to grant one).  There is absolutely no statute permitting the feds, least of all the IRS, to dictate how many people work for you or to force you to retain employees to thereby enable them to tax you.  It's now so far beyond insane as to be truly Wonderland stuff.  It's even less justifiable (and more pernicious) if its intended purpose is simply to prevent companies from saying publicly that they cut back to 99 or less because of Obamacare.

Not even George III would have had the temerity to pull this bullshit.  The oath of office meant nothing to the POS we elected, twice no less.  Congress may have a lower approval rating than BO, but I'd bet a large part of that is because people are so pissed off that they're doing diddlysquat about his lawless behavior.  He is simply the most anti-American, evil person ever elected President.  I have no choice but to respect the office, but its current occupant isn't worth the spit he deserves hocked in his face.

on Feb 17, 2014

Now BO's IRS is going to require businesses to certify in writing, under penalty of perjury, that if they reduced their work force from some number greater than 99 to 99 or less that they did not do so because of Obamacare (to get into the waivered group).

Eerily like Gilliard's edict that Oz companies could not blame price increases on the carbon tax.  If allowed to stand, we have lost a basic right enshrined in the Constitution.

on Apr 04, 2014

Now this is interesting.  Not to mention infuriating.

on Apr 04, 2014

That's the NSA for you.

on Mar 20, 2015

For my fellow (thread) necrophiliacs:

And now that the only 'controlled' study of the impact of Medicaid has been published, we know it's a complete waste of money.

on Jun 25, 2015

And now, thanks to Roberts & Kennedy, the noose is tightened securely around our necks.  Once they fully control our "health" there is nothing that cannot be justified in the service thereof.  Only a matter of time.

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