Joe Barton
Published on June 18, 2010 By Daiwa In Politics

I'm 61, a Republican since Nixon lost to Kennedy.  I've never been more ashamed to be a Republican than when Boehner and other Republican leaders threw Joe Barton under the bus for speaking his honest opinion, not to mention the truth, about the 'shakedown' of BP.  Not even during the height of Watergate.  I can't believe what cowards our party's so-called 'leaders' are.

The Constitutional issues here are real and deserve to have a very bright light shined on them.  Boehner & McConnell are the ones who should be ashamed, allowing crass political correctness to trump their sworn oath.  I can't believe they're going to stand by, silently complicit in trashing the 5th Amendment.  They're as out of touch with reality (and me) as any Democrat lefty.

If you agree, join me in showering them with irate email & snailmail.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 18, 2010

I already sent a letter to my congressman about that.  his name is Eric Cantor and he is one of the ring leaders!  I wish I had some one to vote for this election, but I cant vote for a democrat and I refuse to vote for Cantor!!!!

on Jun 19, 2010

If Barton had posted his comments, he would be a troll.

Those people in the Gulf can't wait for red tape bullshit. Why don't you ask them if they don't like it? It's not as if the Mafia is involved, for Christ's sake. Lighten up.

on Jun 19, 2010

Guess we know where you stand on due process, Infidel.  Furthermore, they've added red tape, not cut through it, finding ways to delay & obstruct effective measures on dubious grounds.

on Jun 20, 2010

I don't like Obama at all and I think hes done a real rat shit job, but I don't think any Americans owe an apology to the rats at BP.

on Jun 20, 2010

It's one thing to defend their actions, which I don't, and quite another to treat the company extra-legally, for which an apology would be in order.

on Jun 21, 2010

It's one thing to defend their actions, which I don't, and quite another to treat the company extra-legally, for which an apology would be in order.

Indeed, Barton was not excusing their action.  But what the Obama administration and most of his brain dead trolls fail to realize is that the ones that are suffering are not Heyward and the fat cats.  But the English AND American pensioners that just got the GM Shaft.  Obama is good at shafting everyone and then pointing fingers to try to escape the blame for his incompetence.

on Jun 21, 2010

As someone who called into C-SPAN said during the first break after Barton's comments: "I guess we know who's in the pocket of big oil."

Barton has received over $100k from BP.

on Jun 21, 2010

As someone who called into C-SPAN said during the first break after Barton's comments: "I guess we know who's in the pocket of big oil."

Barton has received over $100k from BP.

Obama has received over $1 million.  is that why he is being so incompetent over the whole issue?

Stupid is as Stupid does.

on Jun 21, 2010

I can't believe they're going to stand by, silently complicit in trashing the 5th Amendment.  They're as out of touch with reality (and me) as any Democrat lefty.

So in other words the government shouldn't listen to the people who are affected?

on Jun 21, 2010

So in other words the government shouldn't listen to the people who are affected?

Oh, they listened to Jindal just great, dontcha think?

on Jun 21, 2010

I doubt BP would have leaped to secure a deal for 20b unless it was a cap on liability.  They get off cheap for 20b when you consider the magnitude of what they have done in the Gulf. If you think Tony Hayworth and BP deserve an apology, then go read some of their internal documents. start with the 'three little pigs' model and work your way to the worst case scenario 100,000 bpd into the gulf... then watch Barton's pathetic apology to Tony Hayworth again and see if you feel the same way.

on Jun 21, 2010

Thank you, Anthony!

on Jun 21, 2010

You and Infidel are talking apples & oranges, Anthony.

I happen to agree there is only one reason BP would agree to the 'shakedown' - to offload the administrative cost and limit their liability exposure.  But if you were BP, you'd look to do exactly the same thing if given the option.  The fiduciary responsibility to shareholders would demand it.

My point is that the administration gave BP the cover to do just that, while trashing due process, to which BP should have been subjected.  They should never have been given the option.

Allowed to stand, there is nothing to stop this or any other administration from ignoring due process and confiscating whatever it wants for whatever reason it gins up.  You might not like it so much with a less 'evil' 'perp'.

on Jun 21, 2010

Anthony R
I doubt BP would have leaped to secure a deal for 20b unless it was a cap on liability.  They get off cheap for 20b when you consider the magnitude of what they have done in the Gulf. If you think Tony Hayworth and BP deserve an apology, then go read some of their internal documents. start with the 'three little pigs' model and work your way to the worst case scenario 100,000 bpd into the gulf... then watch Barton's pathetic apology to Tony Hayworth again and see if you feel the same way.

Remember that next time the local government fines you for the cost of a clean-up - before they clean it up.

on Jun 21, 2010

Obama has received over $1 million. is that why he is being so incompetent over the whole issue?

Obama isn't from Texas. Barton, like Bush, has that big oil mentality.

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