Daiwa's Articles In The Environment
January 5, 2009 by Daiwa
This is getting more absurd by the minute.  The Feds think they can create a new revenue source, based entirely on the completely bogus bleatings of esteemed 'scientists' Al Gore, Brad Pitt & Robert Redford.  They have to be smoking something really good to believe taxing cows will reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  Is the solution truly to eat less beef & drink less milk?  That's going to save the planet? I think I'll go out to the garage & let a little air out...
September 9, 2010 by Daiwa
So, for the sake of a fart in a thunderstorm, the bulb-makers of Winchester, Virginia are this month joining the other Americans who have lost their bulb-making jobs.  The free market never produces this kind of result.  It takes politics to do this to people.  The lesson in politics is beautifully simple:  take a questionable premise; steep it in demagoguery and make unthinking adherence to it a litmus test; assert it repeatedly – preferably using impressive but...