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Global Warming Strikes New York
Bush blamed
Published on February 12, 2006 By
Current Events
I have nothing to add to the headline. Just struck me as funny, given today's record snowfall.
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on Feb 12, 2006
Where did you get the headline?
on Feb 12, 2006
If the theory that the dark ages were actually a mini ice age is true, we would of course be experiencing global warming as we shift out of it. The problem with most people who argue that it is our fault point to temperatures as if that is proof. That's just proof that the earth is warming up. The proof that it is our fault is a lot thinner...
It is a funny headline, though.
on Feb 13, 2006
Where did you get the headline?
'Tween my own temporal bones, I'm afraid. Watching news coverage of the storm covering most of the east coast and...
If the theory that the dark ages were actually a mini ice age is true
The evidence for this seems rather strong.
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