Arrogant Media Asshats Demand Respect
Published on February 13, 2006 By Daiwa In Politics
I was listening to various radio outlets today and could not believe my ears when several of the hourly newscasts actually led with a story about how much hot water Scott McClellan was in today over the White House "delaying" the announcement of Cheney's hunting fiasco for... 24 HOURS.

24 hours. My God, Jim... the Federation could fall apart over something like this.

The mind boggles.

on Feb 13, 2006
Well, I was busy so I did not see how slow it was, so I will take your word! Another scandal! Film at 11!
on Feb 13, 2006
I finally got to hear some of the actual audio clips from the press conference.

My God. I have had a rather low opinion of press corps types for a long time and I figured there was no way they could make themselves look any more stupid. How wrong I was.

This "What-did-he/you-know-and-when-did-he/you-know-it-and-why-did-he/you-wait-a-whole-day-(DAY!)-to-tell-us?" brouhaha struck me as simply hilarious at first blush. I'm no longer amused.

Those reporters were worse than spoiled-rotten little children, to be kind, and should be embarrassed and ashamed, though I doubt they understand the meaning of either word. I'd be angry if their indignant self-righteousness ("Hey! We're the important people here and we should have been informed immediately!") weren't so pathetic - just pathetic enough to trigger a smidgeon of compassion for their idiocy. How they think we could take anything they say seriously anymore is beyond me.
on Feb 13, 2006
I was listening to Lou Dobbs tonight..he was really lambasting the press corps over this. I think he said there were like 63 questions about this, and less than 15 of all other topics combined. Yep, I'd say their priorities are a bit off.
on Feb 14, 2006
Of course, we'll soon be told (by "reliable" but unnamed sources, of course) that the whole flap was a Machiavellian ploy by Rove, et al, to tweak the press corps and "divert attention" from the "real" problems in the White House. If so, I'm reminded of the PGA's latest slogan: "These guys are good."

Some of the reporter-types on the talk shows (Bob Novak, Mara Liasson) were defending the WH press corps tonight & making silly claims that this shows "there is a problem with this White House." To his credit, however, Bob Beckel said he's never seen a bigger bunch of self-important self-indulgent reporters in his life than the current WH press corps, while still criticizing the "delay."
on Feb 14, 2006
davad -

I think there may be hope for you, after all.
on Feb 14, 2006
davad -

I think there may be hope for you, after all.

Thanks Daiwa, but I doubt it. I'm way beyond hope.
on Feb 14, 2006
The news just had some of the late night jokes about it.  They were pretty good!
on Feb 14, 2006
I can see it now, Cheney and his pals walking around the ranch looking for quails, Cheney points, shoot, but oh my God he accidently shoots the lawyer. Everyone freaks and then run to the injured lawyer and someone yells "Call the press and let them know of the situation and once they are fully informed with complete detail and full accounts from all eye witneses, call 911 ". And somehow the press managed to get there first and made sure that the truth was told about it being an accident and then after getting all possible data, pictures and quotes, they then moved aside to allow the ambulance, who got there a few minutes later, to get to the injured lawyer and take care of him.
on Feb 14, 2006
The Alice-in-Wonderland feeling of this whole thing just keeps getting more surreal.

Today, many of the newscasts showed a brief clip of Cheney walking to a car (again the lead item) with a voiceover that began this way: "Avoiding questions from reporters about the Saturday shooting incident, Vice President Cheney left a briefing before..." [emphasis mine].

It takes a week or more for any good news from Iraq to be grudgingly reported, if at all, but 18 hours go by without the WH Press Corps getting their asses kissed and we have a major scandal on our hands. If Scott McClellan were to just say "No more questions about the Vice President's hunting accident. Deal with it, children" I'd be on my feet cheering.
on Feb 14, 2006
It just gets better:


"Critics are calling this the most secretive White House in recent history."

I sure hope they keep this up, just in case there is still someone out there who thinks the media are competent, serious professionals.
on Feb 15, 2006
Jesus H. Chr...

This is the lowest point in journalism since Rather's Killian memo fiasco. Sad, too, that you only have to go back 18 months for the most recent prior nadir.


on Feb 15, 2006

This is the lowest point in journalism since Rather's Killian memo fiasco. Sad, too, that you only have to go back 18 months for the most recent prior nadir.

Yes, they do seem to have hit bottom and have started to dig.

on Feb 15, 2006
Now it's Cheney's fault that the press got their knickers all in a wad over getting their overinflated egos wounded and it's turning into a "political liability." Fitzwater & Vin Weber are just as off base and clueless as to how this is perceived outside the beltway. I hope Cheney takes his sweet time & tells the press where to stick it when he finally "responds publicly." It's the press who should be out publicly apologizing for their childish and ridiculous behavior. Bastards.