So much for that "New Direction"
Published on July 8, 2008 By Daiwa In US Domestic
Remember all that talk from them after the mid-term elections?  I just thought this was sadly hysterical or hysterically sad, one or the other.  Not that polls mean a ton, but the trend is undeniable.

on Jul 08, 2008
Well, they can look at the bright side - they cannot lose more than 9 points now.
on Jul 08, 2008
I think it is competition between the president and the congress. as soon as the president’s poll numbers hit 12% the democratic congress laughed his are still at 12% and they had to do better so now they are at 9%. No matter how they try to make the president unpopular it seems the public is still holding them accountable.
on Jul 09, 2008
Well, they can look at the bright side - they cannot lose more than 9 points now.

Yup, they got that goin' for 'em.