For all those who repeatedly denigrate Fox News for being 'unfair' & 'unbalanced' - I just finished watching a 2 hour special examining the two candidates, warts & all, laying out events & facts of their careers with very little, equally distributed, cheerleading for either. I already knew almost everything about McCain, having lived in Arizona for 30 years, but I now have a much better understanding of Obama's history and the controversies surrounding him. Fox portrayed him in no less favorable a light than McCain and specifically tackled the 'community organizer' issue to BO's advantage. There's more to BO's character than the right-wing blogs are willing to admit, despite some gaping holes in his biography that he's glossed over or evaded addressing. It won't change my vote as I simply agree with McCain's positions & philosophy more than I do BO's, but props to Fox for living up to its tag line.