Goofy, But Voluntary
Published on December 26, 2008 By Daiwa In Current Events

A complete and total scam, mind you, but at least it's voluntary.

Anyone flying out of SFO who wishes will be able to 'contribute' to a variety of 'certified' CO2-reduction programs by purchasing a 'carbon credit' based on the estimated 'carbon footprint' of the airline flight they are about to take at a kiosk in the airport.

Goofball winner of the week, but I'm all in for voluntary stupidity.  If it actually generates a significant amount of cash, I'm jumping in the game with kiosks to 'help the children'.  I promise I'll send all the money (after expenses, of course, including my 'fair' compensation as determined by me) to 'certified' child adoption & relief agencies.

on Dec 26, 2008

A complete and total scam, mind you, but at least it's voluntary.

At least for now. 

on Dec 26, 2008

At least for now.

Until too few people purchase them.

on Dec 26, 2008

The lengths to which anthropogenic global warming advocates will go... sheesh.

I think we should make Al Gore buy a few.

on Dec 26, 2008

It's too cold in Michigan so I do my best to help get it warmer. I'm not a hero, but I'm trying.

on Dec 27, 2008

I saw this on the news a few days ago, and had a good laugh. But then I thought about it a bit more. Thirty years ago I would have thought that buying a small bottle of water for a $1 or more would never be possible. I still think it's a ripoff to pay that much for water (especially since most of it is just filtered anyway, nothing special), but many companies are making huge profits on people thinking they are getting something better than they could get themselves. My parents have a well and I love the taste of the water there when I visit and it's free. Me, I filter my own "city" water and it tastes fine. A few miles from my parents, a company sucks the same ground water out, processes it a bit, and bottles it.

This thing with the "carbon credits" IMO is starting off in a similar way as bottled water. But my fear is not the average person waniting to throw their money into some clever persons waiting pocket, it's that some do good politician is going to make me throw my money away on this in the future. This is really creating wealth from nothing, at least you get a little visible substance from the water you buy. How long before the privilege to breath tax kicks in? Sure, sounds crazy now, just like those vending machines I've seen selling 16oz. Dasani water for $2.50.

on Dec 27, 2008

I see your point, Nitro, and bottled water is a mystery to me, too, except for specific purposes (sometimes you need a canteen).  But, so far at least, buying bottled water remains voluntary, and as I said, I'm all in for voluntary stupidity.

on Dec 27, 2008

Except that as the anthropogenic global warming movement gains momentum (since we're brainwashing all of the kids in school), it will cease to be voluntary.

As for the 'privilege to breathe' tax, it sounds silly, but they're already talking about something similar.  Soon you may be forced to pay a carbon tax for having more than one child.

on Dec 27, 2008

Gotta love the vultures (I suspect you're seeing the same ads I am).  Trading in carbon credits has the potential to make credit-default swaps look tame.

on Dec 28, 2008

Every "industry" started out somewhere. Today's "green" environmental projects will become the hated, evil corporations of the future. Oil and electric companies were once lauded for "improving" the average persons life too.

on Dec 28, 2008

Yes, once the 'green' industries take over, people will hate them because "Global cooling is going to kill us all!"

on Dec 28, 2008

It's a great money making scam, sadly I am annoyed that I did not think of it first, all those guilt millions could have been MINE ALL MINE! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH {DR. EVIL LAUGH}

on Dec 29, 2008

You're just mad you didn't think of it yourself!

on Dec 30, 2008

That's it!

on Dec 31, 2008


At least for now.

Until too few people purchase them.

That is the way they get the foothold.  We will all be poor, starving and freezing, but not emitting any green house gases!