These Bozos Will Suffer
Published on February 13, 2009 By Daiwa In Politics

It's been the dirty little secret of Congress forever (that nobody ever reads the shit they vote for) but now they can't begin to pretend.  Not one Congressman or Senator will be able to say with a straight face that they understand what they will be voting for today.  Everyone one of them should be impeached for failing to fulfill their fiduciary (& every other) duty to the people.  I fear that nothing short of armed revolt is going to change these nutjobs.

on Feb 13, 2009

It is an American Tragedy.

And you know things are gonna be bad when even the most middle of the road people are talking for a bloody revolution.

on Feb 13, 2009

Viva la revolucion!

on Feb 13, 2009

I would say this is unbelievable, but sadly, it is believable. 

on Feb 13, 2009

Ya know, I didn't think anyone would be able to displpace Hillary as the most despised woman in politics, at least in my lifetime, but I was wrong.  Pelosi is the most evil woman in public life, hands down.  Nothing but an unjustifiably arrogant, lying, two-faced bitch of the first order.  Much as I couldn't stand HRC, I never wanted to just jump through the TV & punch her out the way I would Pelosi if I could.  God she makes my skin crawl.

on Feb 13, 2009

As someone else used to remind me.... by 2010 the short term memory of most voters will have been wiped quicker than Eliza Dushku's memory in the Dollhouse and absolutely nothing will change.


Short of demanding TERM LIMITS NOW! nothing will change the congress critters on a regular enough basis to really make any impact, and too many idiots (i.e., voters) always ass-u-me that the problem politicians are not the ones from their own districts, but from someone else's district.  I wish we had term limits that capped the time that any politician (or judges for that matter) could remain in the same office at no more than 19 consecutive years.  Why that number?  3 straight terms in the U.S. Senate should be long enough to move up or out.  Same time frame for the House of Representatives, or any other office in the land for that matter.  If the politician is any good they'd be able to run for the next highest office (U.S. Senate, or perhaps Governor or other office back in the home state).  If perchance the politician was voted out during one term or another, they could start the 19 year clock again allowing them to serve longer, but with a mandatory break in there to help send them home to talk to the people again and find out what the voters really want to have done.

Too many pols use their offices simply to stay in the office.  They load up on pork for home, dole out political favors and set themselves up for the next election while completely ignoring the needs of the people as a whole, or even the needs of more than a few big contributors for their own home districts.  It has to stop.

on Feb 14, 2009

As an aside I'll be a college graduate in 2010.


on Feb 16, 2009

This is what they think of your opinion. LINK

Hope they play this in ADs when he's tring to get re-elected.

on Feb 16, 2009

I felt the same way when the Patriot Act was passed but nothing changed.  The same idiots kept getting re-elected, and now Obama has taken control of the Census so I'm sure things are only bound to get worse.  It would really be nice if people would stop re-electing the same people but unfortunately too many of the masses believe that their representatives are doing a good job, it's all the other ones that are screwing things up.  We need a complete overhaul on congress.  Next year I will renew my personal campaign to vote out all the incumbents, it wasn't successful last year but I will not stop until it is.

on Feb 16, 2009

We need to start an Anit-Incumbent Party.  Every elected official should have a 'Use by' date, since they inevitably spoil & rot.

on Feb 16, 2009

We need to start an Anit-Incumbent Party. Every elected official should have a 'Use by' date, since they inevitably spoil & rot.

Unfortunately it seems like that "use by" date is about 2 days after they are sworn into office.  The first two days all they do is orientation stuff so they don't have the chance to do any real damage.

on Feb 16, 2009

Yeah, their shelf life is rather short, at least in most cases.

on Feb 16, 2009

Yeah, their shelf life is rather short, at least in most cases.

I have a few reforms that would improve their shelf life but none of them will ever happen:

1) First and foremost, term limits.  The notion of a career politician should simply NOT exist.

2) No one actively sitting in one elected or appointed office should be allowed to campaign for another position, possibly during recess periods but preferably not at all.

3) Pay raises for elected/appointed officials should be voted on by the people, not those holding those offices.  I can't walk into my bosses office and set what my pay raise will be each year, similarly elected/appointed officials shouldn't be able to set their own raises.

There are others, but these would be a great start, too bad none of them will ever happen.

on Feb 16, 2009

power never, EVER corrupted ANYONE...

Power REVEALS. Rarely it reveals to a person something that they refused to admit about themselves, but usually it reveals to the public what a cheating scumbag that person who was pretending to be good was...

The sad thing is you don't need power to reveal the dirty little secrets, with a bit of scrutiny you can find those ahead of time. But people ignore those and chant hope! hope!