What a Joke
Published on June 10, 2009 By Daiwa In Politics

I laughed my ass off at this juicy little attempt by MSNBC to be 'fair & balanced.'

This woman actually came at this from the perspective that Palin has a problem with Letterman, and she wanted to know why.  From a guy, no less, who had interviewed Palin.

Was this lady an extra in Clueless?  Is that the resume jewel that the talent-spotters at MSNBC picked up on?  I thought about posting this in the humor section, then decided it was more sad than funny.

If you haven't seen this, you should.  Hence, this post.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 12, 2009

I haven't read any of the MSNBC post but I'm sure that most of those posters speak from the side of their mouths and want everything to be political correct.  'We have to remember that this was just a joke and the Right is taking all of this out of context.'  They want to eat their cake and ice cream (and milkshake) all at once! And have it both ways (or three ways).

This is the freedom of having free speech well as long as you don't bash those people who are in popular.

There was a comedian (the person escapes me as to who it was.  They were being interviewed about something) but he said what's the point in making fun of them (referrring to Brad Pitt and Anjelina)?  They're popular, they make great movies, rich and beautiful.  What are you going to say? There's really nothing to make fun about with them.  Let's talk about Bush now.  That's not a direct quote but its very close.  I think it was Chris Rock.  Does anyone remember what I'm talking about here?

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