What a Joke
Published on June 10, 2009 By Daiwa In Politics

I laughed my ass off at this juicy little attempt by MSNBC to be 'fair & balanced.'

This woman actually came at this from the perspective that Palin has a problem with Letterman, and she wanted to know why.  From a guy, no less, who had interviewed Palin.

Was this lady an extra in Clueless?  Is that the resume jewel that the talent-spotters at MSNBC picked up on?  I thought about posting this in the humor section, then decided it was more sad than funny.

If you haven't seen this, you should.  Hence, this post.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 10, 2009

I will say John was a bit of a jerk but on the other side someone's gotta say it. 

I find it interesting how she totally dismissed Letterman's remarks about Palin's 14yr old daughter Willow being at Yankee stadium.  Think Letterman will make fun of Sasha or Malia?  Won't even hold a *sigh* for that one.

I did find it funny that she asked John if he asked Palin any hard questions.  Like MSNBC has asked Obama a hard question.

I agree with you Daiwa, her perspective was already hatin on Palin.  Letterman gets the pass but not Palin. 

on Jun 10, 2009

I did find it funny that she asked John if he asked Palin any hard questions. Like MSNBC has asked Obama a hard question.

Good call.  I should have picked up on that.  Woulda been a great comeback if Zeigler had been quick enough to use it.

on Jun 11, 2009

Talk about double standard, it's OK to call women slutts and for young girls to be impregnated in Yankee Stadium but John can't claim that Sarah has more class than anyone on MSNBC? The saying holds true to this day, "The Truth Hurts".

on Jun 11, 2009

What a piece of work! FOX should show this on air and piss off the left, since that is the only time things like this trouble them.

on Jun 11, 2009

I like how she, Contessa, stated how she's been called slutty 'but its happened in public'. 

This shows a few things. First, she gets called slutty in private.  Second, she doesn't realize there is a difference between her being called slutty in public and being called slutty on national television and then it being repeated on national television over and over again. Third, I don't think ANYONE would say something like that about Biden's grandchildren OR for that matter it would NEVER BE mentioned about Obama's children.

You know the last one is true beyond belief. If you remember back during the election, all democrats children seemed off limits and if republicans had children they got attacked.

I think nearly all parents would be angry and upset about some one saying something like that about their child.


on Jun 11, 2009

Rush Limbaugh is the 'face of the Republican Party,' but Letterman is 'just a comedian.'

on Jun 11, 2009

What a piece of work! FOX should show this on air and piss off the left, since that is the only time things like this trouble them.

FOX did do something on this.  IMO, they slammed Letterman pretty hard. 

I think Letterman has lost his funniness and has fully crossed over to political propogandist attack dog.  I can't stand to watch him anymore for a few years now.

on Jun 11, 2009

I lived in Indianapolis during the time Dave was a loony local weatherman and late night theater host.  I absolutely loved the guy.  He was gut-wrenchingly funny & we'd be sure to watch the local news just to catch his weather reports.  His late night theater bits were live, and priceless.  Nothing he's done since has been as funny.  Now he's just a snarky pissed off grouch, a deliverer of bad material which, most of the time, it seems obvious he's not even seen or read before delivering.

Apropos of nothing, Jane Pauley was a local anchor during that same time and we all had the hots for her.

Naptown in the 70's was rockin'.

on Jun 11, 2009

but Letterman is 'just a comedian

Hold on there. A comedian is funny, Letterman ain't.

on Jun 11, 2009

It occurs to me:  How is this different from 'nappy-headed ho'?

on Jun 12, 2009

Hey Daiwa, when the chick asked John if he asked Palin any hard questions he should have responded.... "you mean like asking her what is her favorite color?"

on Jun 12, 2009

Did you read the posts on MSNBC defending Letterman? I really wonder if their is hope for America. What will it take for the silent majority to wake up before it is too late?

on Jun 12, 2009

he should have responded.... "you mean like asking her what is her favorite color?"


on Jun 12, 2009

It frosts me that this woman is held up as a rube while MSNBC hasn't mentioned Joe Biden's name in months.  There is so much more about Joe to ridicule than Sarah.  If he wanted to, Olberman could easily do a whole season on Joe & never mention anyone else:  "You, sir, are an idiot."

on Jun 12, 2009

Nitro Cruiser
Did you read the posts on MSNBC defending Letterman? I really wonder if their is hope for America. What will it take for the silent majority to wake up before it is too late?

I would have to say probably not because most people don't think for themselves.

It goes back to what I said on another thread about 'critical thinking' (which an individual said I was throwing around a pop word or something to that nature).  People in the States no longer want to think for themselves but rather have someone else break the information down so its a very simple commentary of what they should feel and think.

Hey Daiwa, when the chick asked John if he asked Palin any hard questions he should have responded.... "you mean like asking her what is her favorite color?"

This is a very relavent question to go into any up and coming interviewers line of questions. By me knowing Obama's favorite color I know his whole political stance. Well shot, that's why its such a hard question........

It frosts me that this woman is held up as a rube while MSNBC hasn't mentioned Joe Biden's name in months.  There is so much more about Joe to ridicule than Sarah.  If he wanted to, Olberman could easily do a whole season on Joe & never mention anyone else:  "You, sir, are an idiot."

People rather be entertained.  Like these lyrics from a 'philosopher' from the early 90s 'here we are now, entertain us. I feel stupid and contagious. here we are now, entertain us.'

There are a lot of people in the States that all they want is to be entertained. They don't care for the facts as long as they're being entertained.  Why would Obama go on Leno? Because he understood this concept.

There's nothing wrong with being entertained. What's wrong is when people no longer care what's going in the world because all they want is to be entertained. That's what happened in Rome.  I can't remember who the Caesar was, but he brought back the gladiator games in order that people would no longer see Rome crumbling.  They could see what Rome was like at its height.  The people gave up the possibility of doing something just to be entertained. 

The old magician trick in all of its glory at work here.

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