It surprises me considerably that there is so little interest here in the health care billdebacle that BO wants to ram down our throats before we can know all that's in it. What little we know is scary enough.
He counsels patience on everything that isn't going as planned but somehow passing Obamacare is a dire emergency that must be passed immediately - 'healthcare reform' is the only thing that will keep us from bankruptcy (so he claims). His incessant 'sky is falling' shtick is finally sounding as ridiculous as it's always been. Now the Trojan Horses are blatant and I can't for the life of me figure out how he thinks anyone with a brain will fall for this shit.
The government already runs four national healthcare programs - Medicare, Medicaid, the military health system & the VA. All of them are bloated bureaucracies and hemorrhaging money. And they think bleeding exponentially more money is the answer?
God help us from ourselves.