The UN, THEN the US
Published on October 11, 2009 By Daiwa In Current Events

Knowing that achieving his objective from within would be much more difficult, if not impossible, he's adopted a world-first strategy, allowing him to eventually argue that the US has no choice but to stifle dissenting points of view.  Since everything is religious to Muslims, anything that offends, or might offend, Muslims will become prohibited.

This man is evil.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 13, 2009

It's called cynicism and skepticism Nitro. Yeah, maybe I am way too much of both, but I'm not going to piss around the bush or lie - saying: "Yup, I think the article is accurate or not skewed." I just won't. I provided my opinion, and gave my reasons behind it, so there you go. Sorry if it's not to your liking, but oh well. Not like

I can understand you not wanting to believe everything you read right off the bat. But maybe you could have made the attempt to prove or disprove the story before commenting rather than commenting how you think this may not be true just because of all the BS going around these days. Skeptisism is ok, but won't you try to relieve the skeptsism of something eventually by checking the info to see if they are fact or fiction? Why not do it before commenting and then giving a reply about the story itself as oppose to a general "i'm not sure if this is true or not" reply. That way you dont get the "explain how"questionand you also do what the article was meant to do, debate the topic, not what you or anyone else thinks about it's reliability before comfirming it.

on Oct 13, 2009

but won't you try to relieve the skeptsism of something eventually by checking the info to see if they are fact or fiction?

Of course I will researching and such. Have I not shown that I put forth the effort to verify things. Hell, I've changed opinions on things and/or admitted that I was wrong after doing that. I've mentioned that/implied it many times just to Nitro. Now, if I'm not getting that across, then just look at what I said right off the bat in this reply.

It feels more like people are nitpicking and assuming when the facts support my looking into things. Not saying it's persecution or picking on or anything like that melodramatic crap - just pointless nitpicking and not sticking to the topic.

Honestly, it's annoying. The time and effort could have been spent on the topic.

By the way, thank you for taking a level headed and forthright approach.



on Dec 18, 2009

I think Obama means well and the Health Insurance Bill will be eventually passed and it will benefir lots of people.

on Dec 18, 2009

I think Obama means well and the Health Insurance Bill will be eventually passed and it will benefir lots of people.


I would like to see reform of health care because the entire system is become ridiculously unbalanced in favor of the hc companies; however, in the current form I would like to see it fail. In my opinion, they need to go back and start over. Do I think that will happen? Eh, not really.



on Dec 18, 2009

Bahu Virupaksha
I think Obama means well and the Health Insurance Bill will be eventually passed and it will benefir lots of people.

I disagree.  Obama is looking for control and a means to that end only.  As for benefitting a lot of people?  That is in the eye of the beholder.  Everyone today in the US has health care (it is already mandated by law).  What some do not have is insurance.  But insurance is a zero sum game.  if I pay $1000 for insurance and use $10,000, then others are paying the difference.  So it is with the current legislation.  In the end, it will benefit very few, tax most, and not accomplish much.  It does nothing to stem health care costs, and indeeds imposes restrictions to make it more expensive.

So why is Obama pushing it?  To gain more control.  It will do nothing for costs, and nothing for care.  it will drive up costs.

on Dec 18, 2009

I think Obama means well and the Health Insurance Bill will be eventually passed and it will benefir lots of people.

I wonder how many wars started, or people died because of good intentions. I wonder if the Inca's felt humbled by Spain's good intention of finding a new trade route to Asia? Please, just say no to "good intentions", they only benefit the intender.

on Dec 18, 2009

I wonder how many wars started, or people died because of good intentions. I wonder if the Inca's felt humbled by Spain's good intention of finding a new trade route to Asia? Please, just say no to "good intentions", they only benefit the intender.


I wonder how many religious people squash homosexual people's lives because of good intentions? Oh yeah, many. Like your logic says, say no to good intentions (of the anti-ssm religious).



on Dec 18, 2009

I wonder how many religious people squash homosexual people's lives because of good intentions?

Not being religious, and don't hang in those circles so I wouldn't know. So, I only get privilege to see the uninvited homosexuals on my TV whining about why I should support their right to pack each others chutes and call it marriage. So much for good intentions.

on Dec 18, 2009

I would like to see reform of health care because the entire system is become ridiculously unbalanced in favor of the hc companies; however, in the current form I would like to see it fail. In my opinion, they need to go back and start over. Do I think that will happen? Eh, not really.

What has 'unbalanced' our current system are the unintended consequences of previous efforts to regulate/mandate/control it.  We are now being asked to open wide & swallow a massive dose of hair of the dog.  Expecting that to 'fix' the problems caused by small, cumulative doses of dog hair is idiotic.

Reality is that 'fixing the system' is not what currently proposed legislation is about.  Dr. Guy is absolutely correct.  It's about gaining a stranglehold, no matter the details.  They care about the details only as they relate to getting 60 votes, not as to what they mean to your well-being or mine.

on Dec 19, 2009

Reality is that 'fixing the system' is not what currently proposed legislation is about. Dr. Guy is absolutely correct. It's about gaining a stranglehold, no matter the details. They care about the details only as they relate to getting 60 votes, not as to what they mean to your well-being or mine.

Like I said Daiwa, in its current form, I would like to see the bill fail. I want real reform, not crap.

What has 'unbalanced' our current system are the unintended consequences of previous efforts to regulate/mandate/control it.

Bullshit, those who have power will abuse it - corporations included. Can you honest, with a straight face, tell me that these insurance companies that increase their customers' costs, yet continually deny covering various serious health issues - not an abuse of power?

Wake up and smell the shit pile - corporations/business has just as big a negative human nature as government or people; there's no exception.





on Dec 19, 2009

Not being religious, and don't hang in those circles so I wouldn't know. So, I only get privilege to see the uninvited homosexuals on my TV whining about why I should support their right to pack each others chutes and call it marriage. So much for good intentions.

Uninvited...on your TV? Here's a tip: Don't like it? Why not get up off your ass and change the channel, or turn it off? Good grief, what happened to personal responsibility? (No, 'course not, lets push the blame on it uninvited, agenda pushing homosexuals)

Point being, quit worrying about your ignorant conspiracy theory, where you obsess over what homosexuals do in their bedrooms. I assume your marriage isn't all about sex, correct? You do love your wife, or have loved someone. Not something I should be butting into right? guys need to stay out of our bedrooms.




on Dec 19, 2009

Reality is that 'fixing the system' is not what currently proposed legislation is about. Dr. Guy is absolutely correct. It's about gaining a stranglehold, no matter the details. They care about the details only as they relate to getting 60 votes, not as to what they mean to your well-being or mine

It is all theatrics now.  As long as they get SOME law passed - no matter how bad, they figure it will be easier to then pass what they want,  As the American people - even in liberal polls - have said they dont want ANYTHING rght now (until they can make it right) and they are bound and determined to pass SOMETHING, it clearly shows they dont give a damn about their constituents.

But then we always knew that of politicians.  It does lay bare the lie that liberals care.  They feel, but they do not care.

on Dec 19, 2009

Point being, quit worrying about your ignorant conspiracy theory, where you obsess over what homosexuals do in their bedrooms

Whose obsessing about gays and also I offered no theory (What college do you attend again?) You mentioned homosexuals in the first place (see how difficult it is to "turn it off" when it is thrown in your face in topics that are unrelated, so much for getting off ones ass, no pun intended). You're the ignorant one Lucas, always pushing your gay agenda where ever you can, but again it's all about you, right? If I had any input on that subject, I promise I'll seek out one of your articles on issues of importance to gays. No need to seek out responses elsewhere. BTW I could care less what you or anyone else to do in private, wear it out if you like, just don't expect me to call it marriage, it doesn't meet my non-religious definition. I sure your thinking is more in line with Vermont's, everyone with a different opinion is ignorant. That's your choice. It is not yet the liberal socialist utopia so we still free to have our own thoughts for now.

Off topic, I'm glad you have finally come to grips with, what everyone else all ready knew, your liberalness. Knowing is half the battle.

on Dec 19, 2009

Knowing is half the battle.

That's his problem.  He does not know anything.  He feels a lot, but knows little.

on Dec 20, 2009

It's looking more & more as time passes that the object of the thread's title is: To Hell.

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