The Nubby Nitty Gritty
Published on October 19, 2009 By Daiwa In Politics

From a reply in a thread @ HotAir on the just-released Finance Committee Healthcare Reform Bill:

Liberalism is immoral.

Liberalism at its core is coercion and force. For all the moral preening the Left does about how much they care and how heartless we conservatives are the truth is quite the opposite. There is nothing kind about using the force of government to compel ostensibly free citizens to surrender significant portions of their labor and property (income) to the state to serve the purposes not of the nation but of the State, i.e. the government.

Liberalism makes half the population servants to the other half of the population through various social programs that cannot be opted out of even though our lives are diminished by the confiscation of our earnings.

Liberalism root and branch is anathema to the American tradition of individualism as well as poisonous to liberty for how can liberty exist when the state seeks to control the lives of individuals rather than the individual himself?
Liberals are always trying to claim the moral high ground but how can this be a valid claim when their entire agenda can only be enacted by force?

Conservatism is the truly compassionate ideology because it seeks to free, and keep free, the individual from the state.
I do not now and will never work for the state and will die fighting against it if I must.

DerKrieger on October 19, 2009

Talk about cutting to the chase.  I don't know who DerKrieger is, but I'd vote for him.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Oct 29, 2009

I think I've stated it somewhere else that emotions get in the way of debating an issue sincerely most of the times and that it is a dangerous road to use emotions and aggrevating each other as a campaign strategy because emotions always blur things - but it is the american way.

You're kidding, right? I mean, you do know you're in Joeuser land?

on Oct 29, 2009

We need to break out the shovels cause the flames are starting to kindle.

on Oct 29, 2009

hahah yeah.. illegal immigrant so to speak

No honestly I have fun at this site, even if I have a total different oppinion sometimes. I enjoy debates and mostly just want to know why someone thinks the way they do.

on Oct 29, 2009

why do you fucking bash people who are liberals?

Because he listens to people like Glenn Beck.

Nitro, and damn near all here make childish and snide comments at people just because they have a different ideology. Wtf? How is that mature? How is that civil?


Personally, I find the american way of talking about politics ridiculous, using adjectives like good and evil and for some, comparing Obama to Hitler etc.. honestly, that is really bizarre for me.

Makes me want to move.

on Oct 29, 2009

Because he listens to people like Glenn Beck.

Beck is a Libertarian, the exact party AJ claims affiliation to.So let's be sensitive to his feelings. Glad to see you post Infidel, you must have finished your spell checking duties.


on Oct 29, 2009

Glad to see you post Infidel, you must have finished your spell checking duties.

Not as long as you're still here.

on Oct 29, 2009

Beck is a Libertarian




Beck is to Libertarianism as Oreos are to health food; his actions (the repeated criticizing, bashing, slandering, etc.) of Barr/Paul, his followers, and most libertarians tends to cast a large shadow on his claim. Then again, some conservatives do reform.



on Oct 29, 2009

I do admit I may have jumped the gun - but - my point still stands, why do you fucking bash people who are liberals? What is the point in such bullshit? It's that type of crap that screws everyone over.

Dude, you're way too sensitive. You comment on something that didn't require you input (notice nobody else had said a word up to that point?) and you wonder why you get your fingers slapped when you stick your nose in. Infidel's and my exchange were off topic, and you felt compelled to put yourself into it, and put yourself off topic as well.

Bashing, now that's a laugh. Isn't that a bit melodramatic? I think you're looking for Barney's (the purple dinosaur) website ( for a little I love you, you love me time). Why don't you write an article and ask the folks if they believe they are getting "screwed over" by me or anyone else on this site. That's news to me. Maybe you should find a place more suited to your taste if that's how you feel.

Back on topic--- This is exactly what is happening in the US today with Liberalism. If you don't agree, you're childish, mean, uncaring. If you criticize, you're attacking, bashing, and screwing everyone over. These tactics are what the far left employs to squash any voice of dissent. Perhaps Congress as it defines and protects left leaning groups with hate crime legislation, liberals will be next on the list. Does anyone notice how conservatives are gradually being excluded? IMO a grand and noble idea being abused for political gain. Shouldn't the law apply to everyone the same, not just special interests?

Back off topic---  AJ here's your quote the way it comes off to me (bold my addition for comparison). Hope it provides clarification.

For me, it comes down to the fact that it pisses me off to no end when I needlessly insert myself into others banter (call it a pet peeve) when people make snide comments other than myself, mine are cute. Nitro, and damn near all here make childish and snide comments, because that's what I call opinions different from my own, comments at people just because they have a different ideology namely mine. Wtf? How is that mature (because that's my best defense calling people childish, oh no that's a negative am I attacking?) ? How is that civil because let's face it I have no clue?

on Oct 29, 2009


Glad to see you post Infidel, you must have finished your spell checking duties.

Not as long as you're still here.

What does a liberal need to get your service, since you ignore their typo's, or is your benevolence only for conservatives?

on Oct 29, 2009

Beck is a Libertarian


My thoughts exactly when I heard the same of the Liberal Avenger!

on Oct 29, 2009

Nitro, like i said:


1. If I'm curious about something, then I'll be upfront and blunt about it. Don't take it personal, because you do, and that only serves to hasten problems. Yes, I know...this coming from me.

I'm just trying to say that when you come after me (when making a snide commet, whatever), it only serves to piss me off, and happens. I'll continue working on reigning in my numerous faults, if you would - please - reign in the snide comments.


There is just, in my opinion, a difference between out and out insults/snide comments (i.e being rude/an ass/cruel), and giving people a bad time. 


2. If you go after me, then I'll show my teeth. I have zero tolerance for shit like that; I respect myself and just won't deal with it.  Been through it before (and no I don't mean LW), That being said, I will definitely try my best to hold my temper back, and not insult you back (etc),'s a work in progress. Pretty much, if you've got something to say to me, or disagree with me - do it civilly, and treat me with at least a small modicum of respect.


So again, if you would, take this as a mea culpa. 


This is exactly what is happening in the US today with Liberalism. If you don't agree, you're childish, mean, uncaring.


I would actually agree that modern liberalism has become a rather deformed version of what it was/could be. It could be a great thing, a thing to counter (primarily) reactionary/special interest driven conservatism. 


If you don't agree, you're childish, mean, uncaring. If you criticize, you're attacking, bashing, and screwing everyone over. These tactics are what the far left employs to squash any voice of dissent. Perhaps Congress as it defines and protects left leaning groups with hate crime legislation, liberals will be next on the list. Does anyone notice how conservatives are gradually being excluded? IMO a grand and noble idea being abused for political gain. Shouldn't the law apply to everyone the same, not just special interests?


Nitro, you just don't get it. I don't care if you disagree, but you know, the unspoken words of debate mean that you respect other person, whether theyve had time to earn any or not. You show them civility in the discourse of your disagreement. This has nothing to do with whether you agree with me or not. I don't care if you have your opinion; all I'll say about that is good for you. I may disagree, but good for you. 

Bottom line, debating...isn't bout lowering yourself to the level of insulting those who are merely giving their opinion. What happened to fucking honor?

In fact, why waste my time trying to explain what I mean when I could just show you something that hits at what I mean. THIS, below, is what I'm talking about:


The following are some guidelines I believe are helpful to any debate in which the participants are seeking truth, rather than trying to defend a position for its own sake. I would call these guidelines of Freethought for debaters...



By far, the majority of people, in general, mean well. If you really believe that they are intentionally being evil - don't waste time in debate with them. However, if you really think about it, most people, no matter how deranged their position or how harmful such a position may be to you, hold it because they actually believe it is the right position to take. It is easy to hate a stranger but try to imagine how you might respond if a loved one were to take the same position. Hate positions, beliefs, policies, and actions but love people.



It is possible to argue with someone for an hour before realizing that you actually agree but are using different semantics. Even if you don't agree, miscommunication about definitions can lead to huge blocks of unproductive time in argument. Be clear with your definitions and be sure you are clear of theirs. Think of your first few rounds of discussion as strictly information gathering - don't make judgments at the beginning and don't jump to conclusions. Ask questions - especially about words such as love, religion, government, spiritual, moral, better, believe, wrong, etc.



Often, as emotions rise, it is easy to turn debate into a vendetta. The purpose of debate, in the freethought spirit, is not to demoralize your opponent, to make yourself look or feel good, or to enact revenge for other statements. There is only one proper purpose for such discussion, and that is to find truth - no matter what the consequences or implications of such conclusions.



Most people are not open-minded and merely want to win the argument. Identify victory-seekers early. If there's little chance of them listening to anything you have to say, or if they refuse to listen to obvious reason, then it is best not to waste your time. If you must converse on such topics, be passive - listen, ask questions, and let them reach conclusions on their own.



Often, because they are feeling insecure of their position, threatened by yours, or simply unaware, people will use wording which you may find insulting. If these are raw insults by themselves, then it is best to end the conversation. If the insults are part of the argument itself, there are a few things to keep in mind. For one, he or she may not realize how offensive the remarks are to you. Secondly, this may only be an exaggerated word used to over stress a concept. Most importantly, focus on their intentions - not how you perceive them. If the words are offensive to you but you have every reason to believe the person wasn't intending to offend, then don't worry about it. In the end, remember that words are just words - get tougher skin and move on.



If offended in any case, simply tell them their words are offensive and why but do not answer with equal offense - there's no point to it. When you engage in revenge talk, you ensure that you will not be listened to, your position will not be spread, and you will likely hurt the cause for which you fight. What is worse is that you are hurting a good cause for your own emotional gratification. What is sometimes confused with enthusiastic support for a cause is actually selfish betrayal of it.



Sometimes you may feel lulled into ad homonym yourself. Don't do it - even a little. That includes using sarcasm, humor at the other's expense, or even wording that merely suggests something insulting without stating it overtly. Insulting people is a completely separate task from debating. Insults never make your point better than plain facts. It is best to stick to the issues at hand.



To be fair, you yourself must be open-minded enough to listen and really consider what the other person is saying. Put yourself in their shoes and imagine yourself believing what they believe - much like an actor. Not only does this help you to listen, it helps you to understand why they believe what they do. This will mean that you can both spend your time focusing on the key points of difference, rather than squabbling over fringe elements of the issue. Don't feel threatened or hurt if you are "loosing" the argument. You know you are not perfect. This means that you absolutely must be wrong about some things - you just don't know which. This might be one of them. You don't have to concede in one sitting but you can at least say, "That's a good point. I'm not sure about that but give me some time to look into it and think about it and I'll get back to you." If you look into it and, after careful consideration, find that you are wrong, then change. Your position is not you. It is a good idea to admit this openly to the other person to affirm them in their correct stance as well. This can also be an opportunity to show them that you yourself are not merely a victory seeker in debate. Letting others know when they are right is a way to "cash in" on your open mindedness and not only improve relations but set a good example, which will encourage open mindedness in others too.



It is better to lose the debate than to win it with deception. If you had to distract your opponent with logical fallacy, ad homonym attacks, or irrelevant data, then you have intentionally spread what might be falsehood for your own personal gain. If you need shifty tactics, then you are probably wrong and should concede defeat. If you "know" you're right, then you should be able to back it up with facts and logic. If you can't, then you're either wrong or you need to learn more. Put the argument on hold to study the other's points further if you must but do not attempt to win by illegitimate means.



Regardless of what much of the world, including debate clubs, encourage and promote - for the ethical and thinking person, the point of a debate is not to win. When two people disagree, either one of them is wrong, or both of them are. This presents a good opportunity for learning and improvement - maybe for him or her but also maybe for you. If you win the argument you have helped to enlighten someone else, but if you lose then you are the most fortunate of the two, for you have learned something new today. Pride is irrelevant, and a vice when it leads one to be unethical or to care more for one's image or position than for truth. Finding or spreading the truth is more important than you.




( Source:  )



Bashing, now that's a laugh. Isn't that a bit melodramatic? I think you're looking for Barney's (the purple dinosaur) website ( for a little I love you, you love me time). Why don't you write an article and ask the folks if they believe they are getting "screwed over" by me or anyone else on this site. That's news to me. Maybe you should find a place more suited to your taste if that's how you feel.


You know, I won't hide it...I'm at heart and idealist and would love, LOVE to see everyone get along. No, not get along the liberal or conservative way, but just get along period. That, however, won't happen - just is the reality of life. But, a guy can hope for something a little bit better than this hell of a world, right?



This is exactly what is happening in the US today with Liberalism. If you don't agree, you're childish, mean, uncaring. If you criticize, you're attacking, bashing, and screwing everyone over. These tactics are what the far left employs to squash any voice of dissent. Perhaps Congress as it defines and protects left leaning groups with hate crime legislation, liberals will be next on the list. Does anyone notice how conservatives are gradually being excluded? IMO a grand and noble idea being abused for political gain. Shouldn't the law apply to everyone the same, not just special interests?


These laws/rules (etc) should apply to everyone - republican, democratic, liberal, conservative, anyone and everyone. But the problem is....they don't. When Republicans get into power, they use and abuse; when Democrats get into power, they also use and abuse. Meanwhile, when the other party is in power, the other one will put the other in the spotlight. They'll demonize them and claim that they're not representing the people, that they're abusing trust, and so on so forth. Then the same shit happens. Neither party is best, neither party works. It's why I strongly believe in pushing to get a grassroots movement for third parties. The age of the (fallacious) choice between a Republican or Democrat is fading. We need fresh insight, fresh ideas. 


So yes, I agree, but then again...I try not automatically jump to a conclusion or opinion on some of the issues that fall under what you said. (I try not to) Instead I try to look at it from multiple angles. 


AJ here's your quote the way it comes off to me (bold my addition for comparison). Hope it provides clarification.


To each their own Nitro, remember what you said:


 This place, no matter how many times you write, hardly constitutes knowing a person.


Of course this medium is partly to blame as it is hard to gage a person by written words.


Have a good evening/night., ~AJ





on Oct 29, 2009

Frankly, what is immoral is engaging in partisan or ideological politics instead of simply doing what is obviously right, practical, and necessary.  Politics is what is evil.

on Oct 29, 2009

Frankly, what is immoral is engaging in partisan or ideological politics instead of simply doing what is obviously right, practical, and necessary.  Politics is what is evil.


Thank you, brilliantly said Mason!         



on Oct 29, 2009

The problem is in deciding on what is right, practical and necessary. Good ole Kim Yong Il has probably a different idea about that then any american administration during the last 60 years.


on Oct 29, 2009

If I'm curious about something, then I'll be upfront and blunt about it. Don't take it personal, because you do, and that only serves to hasten problems. Yes, I know...this coming from me.

I'm just trying to say that when you come after me (when making a snide commet, whatever), it only serves to piss me off, and happens.

You just can't grasp it... I don't take anything (exception below) said here personally. Perhaps that's your perception. You'd probably be surprised at the amount of amusement things like this give me, even when it's at my expense.

As for me going after you, it's all in your mind. Do you think I stalk your posts just to pounce at the first opportunity? I've seen plenty of your posts that I thought silly and could have said something, yet just let it go. Just look who sought who out here. Paranoia doesn't look good on you.

You know, I won't hide it...I'm at heart and idealist and would love, LOVE to see everyone get along. No, not get along the liberal or conservative way, but just get along period. That, however, won't happen - just is the reality of life. But, a guy can hope for something a little bit better than this hell of a world, right?

Idealism is not suited to this environment. On the team I work with, I am the only conservative with one liberal and one moderate. We get along like brothers. Much different form of interaction.

If you believe this world is hell you have bigger problems than JU.

To each their own Nitro, remember what you said:

I remember what I said, and stand by it. I never said I know anyone here on a personal level here and I'm not angry at anyone. Nobody's bashing me, or screwing me over. Trust me I don't take this that seriously, why don't you try that?

I would call these guidelines of Freethought for debaters... (followed by a list)

Yeah these are lofty goals. One problem, I wasn't debating anyone here. Most posts are opinion (especially mine), plain and simple. You take it or leave it. AJ if you look back, most of the differences you perceive we have, arise from a comment you made concerning my post. I don't believe in debating on this site, I could careless if anyone agrees or not. I'm not here to change minds either. The only thing that will get a sharp response from me is when someone espouses the virtues of communism. Too many of my colleagues died in the cold war for me to stand by quietly. And few supporters/sympathizers/admirers lived through it as my wife has. One can be a communist if they like, just don't sell crazy around me. 

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