The Nubby Nitty Gritty
Published on October 19, 2009 By Daiwa In Politics

From a reply in a thread @ HotAir on the just-released Finance Committee Healthcare Reform Bill:

Liberalism is immoral.

Liberalism at its core is coercion and force. For all the moral preening the Left does about how much they care and how heartless we conservatives are the truth is quite the opposite. There is nothing kind about using the force of government to compel ostensibly free citizens to surrender significant portions of their labor and property (income) to the state to serve the purposes not of the nation but of the State, i.e. the government.

Liberalism makes half the population servants to the other half of the population through various social programs that cannot be opted out of even though our lives are diminished by the confiscation of our earnings.

Liberalism root and branch is anathema to the American tradition of individualism as well as poisonous to liberty for how can liberty exist when the state seeks to control the lives of individuals rather than the individual himself?
Liberals are always trying to claim the moral high ground but how can this be a valid claim when their entire agenda can only be enacted by force?

Conservatism is the truly compassionate ideology because it seeks to free, and keep free, the individual from the state.
I do not now and will never work for the state and will die fighting against it if I must.

DerKrieger on October 19, 2009

Talk about cutting to the chase.  I don't know who DerKrieger is, but I'd vote for him.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Oct 29, 2009

What does a liberal need to get your service, since you ignore their typo's, or is your benevolence only for conservatives?

Okay, here you go:

Don't take it personal


No apostrophe in "typos." It's plural, not possessive.



on Oct 30, 2009

No apostrophe in "typos."
Inspiring that you didn't spell it like potatoes.

on Oct 30, 2009

It wasn't the evilness of slavery that really started the civil war to end slavery

Irrelevant. Ever read "civil disobedience" or other texts of the like? they say slavery is EVIL with a capital E and that revolution is a required must against such evil. I didn't say slavery was ENDED because suddenly people figured out it was evil. It was ended because of a civil war which was NOT about slavery in the first place. But that doesn't change the FACT that slavery IS evil and that anyone with an ounce of morality referred to it as such.

Hitler .. he was not evil

I would expect a liberal to say that.

Frankly, what is immoral is engaging in partisan or ideological politics instead of simply doing what is obviously right, practical, and necessary.  Politics is what is evil.

It is immoral to engage in partisan politics rather then doing what is right. Although sometimes partisan politics is about right vs wrong.

Ideological politics? well that depends, is your ideology "lets have communism"? that is evil. is your ideology "slavery is bad" that is moral and just and should be followed.

Politics is evil? politics is power, many evil people pretend to be good to get power from politics, but many good people also go into politics to do what is right. I wouldn't just lump all politicians all as "evil". (notice that I am lumping the ideology of liberalism as evil. Someone could follow an evil ideology because they are ignorant or stupid and fail to comprehend it and its consequences without actually being evil themselves)

on Oct 30, 2009

You forgot the rest of what I said regarding Hitler not being "evil" if you fulfilled certain requirements that fit into his ideology of pure blood and the arian race and a world where Germany goverend the rest of the world - that is why it was called the third Reich after all. Reich means empire or kingdom and that is exactly what he wanted to do, conquer the rest of the world and create the successor of the holy roman empire of the german nation (962-1806). That empire was the 2nd, the first being the roman empire of antiquity. The somewhat preposterous goal to create an empire that would rule for the next 1000 years stemmed from here. Anyway..

Interesting distinction you made regarding slavery because I had gotten the impression that you argued slavery is evil and that's why it was fought. 

But that doesn't change the FACT that slavery IS evil and that anyone with an ounce of morality referred to it as such.
Doesn't really fit in with the fact that it took almost another 100 years until the civil right movement before segregation according to skincolour and race was abolished. That was evil too according to your moral compass and yet it is still around in some places.

on Oct 30, 2009

What does a liberal need to get your service, since you ignore their typo's, or is your benevolence only for conservatives?

Okay, here you go:


No apostrophe in "typos." It's plural, not possessive.

Thanks, but as a conservative, you haven't answered my question. I guess it's only grammar and not comprehension.

on Nov 02, 2009

Back on topic, here's an interesting article about a facet of liberalism that ties in, I think.

on Nov 02, 2009

utemia, It looks as if you are saying "hitler is not evil to you if you are considered to be of the master race by him". Or "hitler is not evil to you if you are a firm believer in nazim"... or maybe even both together...

Which is just plain stupid. Aryans who aren't nazis will still consider him evil. And anyone that is a nazi will not consider him evil, but only because they are evil too.

on Nov 03, 2009

Taltamir: I was referring to Hitler's contemporaries in Germany between the years 1933-1945.During that timeframe, if you were a party member and kept your mouth otherwise shut and said the right things in front of the right people, there were alot of benefits like a secure job, enough to eat (remeber that was the time after the great depression and huge reparationpayments following WW1) and a high living standard. If you were a good obedient little average citizen Joe - or in this instance Fritz/Hans or Kurt - you were able to lead a good life even.

And anyone that is a nazi will not consider him evil, but only because they are evil too.
I agree that Nazi Ideology is evil and that people who support it are a threat to society. But it isn't as simple to claim evilness for everybody that was a Nazi during 33-45 at it might sound. Can a whole people BE evil? It is a question that is still an issue in Germany today. Then the US would be "evil" as well because you used to be a slave nation and committed genocide on native americans, broke treaties all the time with them in the past and drove them off their own lands. 

I think that article is derogatory from its first sentence - fits right in with the usual language used in US politics.

Freedom is under attack, and we as Americans need to wake up and stop this madness in the greatest nation ever formed.

I don't really see how this style is any different of that of what the writer accuses the liberals off. They're all the same, and unless people are actually willing to stop throwing insults at each other the trenchlines won't move in either way. Jesus..

he Minority Thought Pattern is the total disdain and hatred of what God has accomplished through the white male throughout history. Coming from an African-American, I know this will shock you.

I am not minimizing the accomplishments of women, African-Americans, immigrants, the religious, or anyone else who is part of America. But the white male was here on Plymouth Rock for God to use, and the Pilgrims had a great belief in that God

Provdience to kill the native americans who were there before huh.. and to use africans as cattle. Not what I would have used to show god's great work off.
Sseriously? How is that article not as vicious as the attack the author claims on his friend?
on Nov 04, 2009

 if you were a party member and kept your mouth otherwise shut and said the right things in front of the right people, there were alot of benefits like a secure job, enough to eat (remeber that was the time after the great depression and huge reparationpayments following WW1) and a high living standard

People have universally resented the "keep your mouth shut and toe the line or bad things happen", even if they paid well.

on Nov 04, 2009

That wasn't the issue here, though. Even if they resented it, it wasn't evil for them, in fact many enjoyed that time before WW2 as it brought stabilty and prosperity for the majority of people. It is a weird fact that they did not percieve the nazi ideology as evil nor that many thought that what the Nazi's were doing was not wrong.

It's difficult to wrap my head around that on a good day, but Hitler was great at advertising and propaganda and he managed to sell his twisted crap. He basically started in kindergarden to indoctrinate children. Is a child evil if he believes the twisted ideology he was brought up with and goes to the Gestapo to tell on his best friends parents because they criticized the regime, resulting in said parents to disappear for good in a KZ?

I don't believe the answer is that easy as you make it out to be. Evil or not evil depends more often than not on the perspective.

on Nov 04, 2009

. He basically started in kindergarden to indoctrinate children. Is a child evil if he believes the twisted ideology he was brought up with

Interesting theory. Would this qualify as an example? LINK

on Nov 04, 2009

That isn't indoctrination. It is a very weird hymn but I don't actually saw any indoctrinating content or harmful ideology in that song. The style is a bit reminiscent of communist propaganda songs.. I can't deny that and I probably would not have chosen the personification on Obama like that myself had I been the teacher, but the central themes are all very american and not especially liberal: Equality, Standing strong together and being proud to be an American. The focussing on his accomplishments is strange and out of place but it is a far cry from the methods used by the Nazis for their Propaganda. They had their own ministry just for that.

on Nov 04, 2009

Interesting theory
It wasn't so much a theory or an apology to that sort of behavior - it was a question as to what evil is. Children denunciating their parents to a dictatorship and thus getting their parents killed did what they did because they thought it was the right and just thing to do, not because they wanted their parents to be gone. I find it difficult to see them only as evil perpetrators, they are victims as well even though that does not automatically excuse them of culpability.

on Nov 04, 2009

That isn't indoctrination. It is a very weird hymn but I don't actually saw any indoctrinating content or harmful ideology in that song.

I'm sure many said the same of the children singing the praise of Hitler in the 30's. It was probably, I'm sure, cute at the time. I'm not suggesting Obama is emulating Hitler, but the parallels are interesting. Different ideology same method.

on Nov 04, 2009

You are not suggesting? the BUT is all but shouted in the way you phrased your post. What parallels? Hagiographic songs about people are millenia old. There IS no institutionalized mandatory propaganda in the US (unless you count teaching democratic values and civil rights) - and there are no parallels. Cute songs about Hitler weren't what was harmful, it was rather the mathhomework about how much money it costs to keep an disabled child alive, the schoolbook illustrations on how Jews were always thiefs and crooked etc., ideology about why white blue eyed and blond was superior and the rest had to disappear to make room for the "Herrenrasse". And then there was the HJ, Hitler Youth, starting at age 12, were the youth was militarized and brainwashed and taught that Germany was meant to rule the world from the top. Not joining made you automatically one of the enemy and suspicious.

If it only had just been cute songs about Hitler.. as there had been about emperor Wilhelm 2. and probably every other monarch or ruling figure in history, nothing would have happend.

That little song about Obama is all kinds of weird but it is totally harmless. In no way does it parallel any vicious propaganda, neither in methods nor in content.


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