Our New Epithet
Published on December 4, 2004 By Daiwa In Current Events
Joe Scarborough, in an article today on MSN discussing Brian Williams taking over for Tom Brokaw, referred to the "pajamahadeen bloggers who took Dan Rather down."

Pajamahadeen. How un-PC. I kind of like that. Maybe it will stick.


on Dec 06, 2004
I think Dan Rather took himself down when he decided to use forged documents.

I do like the term pajamahadeen. A little hard to type, but I usually blog in my pajamas.

on Dec 06, 2004
iagree, iamheather.

I don't agree with Scarborough, either, just like the word he coined (assuming he coined it - haven't seen it anywhere else).

on Dec 08, 2004

discussing Brian Williams

i must be tired. at first i thought it said brian wilson (the outinthezone beachboy) 

pajamahadeen is hilarious

(btw. i saw your response to my whining in the other thread that i cannot seem to locate now.  so i hope you wont mind me using this space to say a. i wasnt offended--just sorta taken aback but more outta frustration connected to the election that keeps lingering like a bad odor.  b. i probably dont communicate it very well, but i really do value your opinions as well as the consistently rational, civil and logical way in which you express them. c. i make a point of reading your comments and posts carefully (i dont always respond or interject but if i run across something with your name on it, you can bet ive checked it out. d. as a consequence, i'm very much aware that your positions conform only to your particular view of any given situation.) 

on Dec 11, 2004
kingbee -

Those are unjustifiably flattering and kind comments for which I can only say Thank You. I'm afraid there are times when I haven't quite lived up to that description, to say the least, but it's nice to get some positive feedback.

I can count on you, too, to keep the conversation civil and to argue a point of view without disrespect for the opinions of others. I enjoy that kind of give and take and appreciate your contributions here @ JU. Who knows, we may actually learn something from each other. I only got into this in August or September, but it has been very interesting, entertaining and intellectually challenging to weigh in here.

But, damn, now you've given me an impossible standard to maintain. Man oh man... and here I thought you were a friend.

on Dec 12, 2004

and here I thought you were a friend

i never flatter and im not often kind.  and since this isnt about politics, there's no need for hyperbole or spin. 

hahahahah impossible standards? nawww.  none of that man from la mancha stuff from me

on Dec 16, 2004
Daiwa, please exuse my "hijacking" your thread but I wanted to let you know that I have moved my blog site to a new location. You can continue to read and comment on my articles at: http://tbone4justice.blogspot.com/. Hope to see you around at my new location.
on Feb 02, 2005
T-Bone -

Got a "URL not found" error when I tried to visit your page. In case you get back here some time.

I don't read my own blog very often, I'm afraid, but I'll keep an eye out for ya.
