A telling quote from today's NYT article on the woes of being David Axelrod these days, about the administration's 'perception problem':
Chris Lehane, a former top aide to Vice President
Al Gore, says the administration should tell a clearer story. “They have been enormously capable in dealing with the day-to-day challenges of the government,” Mr. Lehane said. “But they don’t seem to get the credit they deserve for that because they’ve communicated no overarching big idea or philosophical framework of where they want to take the country.”
They may pretend they haven't 'communicated' it (in their world, 'communicate' seems to mean 'obfuscate') but they actually have, in countless ways. Lehane's assessment is bassackwards - their problem is we know exactly where they want to take us and we have no interest in going there. The 'philosophical framework' is plain as day. The whole notion that the country needs to be 'taken' somewhere is ludicrous on its face. They are fools if they really believe that 'inadequate communication' is their problem, though I will concede the point if by that they actually mean they need to stop insulting our intelligence by calling day night & white black, and telling ridiculous whoppers seemingly every other day that they know to be BS.
I'm not going to hold my breath. They are so boxed in by all their prior lies they have no graceful way out, so they're going to just try to bluff their way on & on despite the cards all being face up on the table. The more BO says & does the complete opposite of what he said he believed (just look at his prior statements about the use of the filibuster & reconciliation that he's conveniently forgotten ever saying), the more he looks like an arrogant jerk at best, the Manchurian Candidate the rightwing loons suspected at worst.