The meat, emphasis mine:

One of the GOP's handful of black candidates for Congress condemned President Barack Obama of exploiting race for political gain.

Allen West, the Republican challenging Rep. Ron Klein (D) in Florida's 22nd congressional district, sharply criticized the Obama administration for having allegedly declined prosecuting the New Black Panther Party on voter tampering charges for political reasons.

"For an Administration that promised a new era in race relations, Obama and the Democrats in Congress have demonstrated that race will continually be exploited for political gain," West, who is one of two African-American Republicans running for Congress who have survived their primaries, said in a statement.

Handful.  Survived.

You get the picture.  Presumably, this guy went to school and was taught how to do this.  But leftist reporters are not racist.


Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 10, 2010

Jerry Brown Steps Up Latino Outreach As Poll Shows Whitman Picking Up Support

Whitman has seen a 14-point gain among Latinos in the latest Field Poll, propelled by TV ads, billboards and a Spanish-language website. But some find her ties to Pete Wilson troubling."

in following text of this article (written by one seema mehta and published by the times 7/9/2010), we're told:

"Brown has come under withering criticism by fellow Democrats for his campaign's lack of visible energy and lack of outreach to Latinos. This week, the campaign hired its first fluent Spanish speaker, and a spokesman said its website would be translated into Spanish soon."

withering? fellow? visible? fluent? soon?

But at least it pertains to this particular political race. You may not care for the wording, but if it is relevant to the piece what's the big deal? Had the article said "Jerry Brown is one of many tired old Democrats the party is fielding in contested campaigns throughout the nation this year, in a lame attempt at the nostalgia vote", I would have agreed with you, because that would have little or no bearing on his campaign specifically, and even less if it was mentioned twice. I would say Hispanic votes (and issues related) on a whole are relevant to most California political races, maybe not so much in North Dakota.

on Jul 10, 2010

I know it's early in the morning on a weekend and I'm not at my sharpest, but I'm not sure I see your point, unless it's to agree with me.

agreeing with you in principle while also pointing out the blade cuts both ways.

It's the same sort of witless 'characterization writing' as opposed to reporting.

indeed it is. 

on Jul 10, 2010

agreeing with you in principle

while also pointing out the blade cuts both ways.

How I wish.  I'd be on board with you on that score if it were the case.  'Cept for Camelot & The One, the press has been mostly and appropriately skeptical and critical of the gubmint.  Wish they'd get the stars out of their eyes (and tingle out of their legs).

on Jul 12, 2010

I like Colonel Allen West. I would vote for him.

There is nothing more American than a black Republican.

on Jul 12, 2010

An African-American GOP candidate for Congress has condemned President Barack Obama of exploiting race for political gain.

One amusing sidebar to this is trying to find a news story that is controversial that lists a democrat's affiliation in the opening paragraph.  I always read the first paragraph and if no party is mentioned, I know it is a democrat.


on Jul 12, 2010

One amusing sidebar to this is trying to find a news story that is controversial that lists a democrat's affiliation in the opening paragraph. I always read the first paragraph and if no party is mentioned, I know it is a democrat.

No, you can't be serious, DG!

You're lucky if it's ever mentioned in the article at all, let alone buried in a paragraph on the continuation page.

on Jul 12, 2010

You're lucky if it's ever mentioned in the article at all, let alone buried in a paragraph on the continuation page.

Well, usually the article is picked up from the blogosphere or Fox News.  So you can trace it back to where the party is mentioned in that case.  Or just assumed.  But assumption implies risk of being wrong.  When it is all the time, that risk disappears.

on Sep 17, 2011

A little necromancy:

Front page, above the fold, national 'news story' from today's newspaper.  Feature article by two Washington Post 'journalists'.

Subject header: 

D.C. Gridlock

Full page Headline: 

Boehner digs in: No tax increase


Speaker reiterates position in wake of Obama job plan

Opening para: 

WASHINGTON -- House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, on Thursday restated his his opposition to any tax increases to solve the nation's debt problem, signaling a swift return to the trench warfare that characterized the debt-and-spending debate of early summer.

Emphasis mine.  I was going to spend a little time pointing out the details of the bias demonstrated here, but decided it is so self-evident (sure should be, anyway) as to not require it.  Again, this is not (supposed to be) an opinion piece - it's put out as straight news.


on Sep 17, 2011

a 14-point gain since March and at the level that strategists say she needs to be to win in November."
Damn, another example of voting against your own interest.


on Sep 17, 2011

signaling a swift return to the trench warfare

Of course, you would prefer the straight reality of class warfare.

on Sep 17, 2011


Allen West, the Republican challenging Rep. Ron Klein (D) in Florida's 22nd congressional district


Ugh, my district.

on Sep 17, 2011
Nah, I prefer all those militaristic, hateful nouns and adjectives that the right has been told to stop using, since they might get someone killed. So now I have to read lefty rags to get my fix. 'Class' warfare is just too declasse, nothing but background noise.
on Sep 17, 2011
What? You wunnah those who wanna keep the black man down?
on Sep 23, 2011

Of course, you would prefer the straight reality of class warfare.

Except America does not have classes, just mobile stratas.

on Oct 03, 2011
The bigger story: The 'rock'? Or the NBPP? Just askin'.
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