The meat, emphasis mine:

One of the GOP's handful of black candidates for Congress condemned President Barack Obama of exploiting race for political gain.

Allen West, the Republican challenging Rep. Ron Klein (D) in Florida's 22nd congressional district, sharply criticized the Obama administration for having allegedly declined prosecuting the New Black Panther Party on voter tampering charges for political reasons.

"For an Administration that promised a new era in race relations, Obama and the Democrats in Congress have demonstrated that race will continually be exploited for political gain," West, who is one of two African-American Republicans running for Congress who have survived their primaries, said in a statement.

Handful.  Survived.

You get the picture.  Presumably, this guy went to school and was taught how to do this.  But leftist reporters are not racist.


Comments (Page 3)
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on Oct 05, 2011

And, of course, the MSM are pumping up the Wall Street protesters, with nary a mention of the anti-semites in their midst and no lead-in asides about how overwhelmingly 'white' they are.  I invite you to compare and contrast with reporting on Tea Party rallies.

on Oct 15, 2011

Well, at least they're treating this precisely the same way they did BO's relationship with Reverend Wright.

on Oct 16, 2011

It's now become a three monkey game - bias through willful failure to notice or report.

on Oct 16, 2011

It's everywhere you look.

on Oct 16, 2011

Big media complicity in the news blackout is a heavy indictment against modern journalism in America today.


Like anyone with an IQ higher than a turnip takes those people seriously these days. The so-called MSM is a sad, pathetic joke in terms of what was once called journalism.

on Oct 17, 2011

The so-called MSM is a sad, pathetic joke in terms of what was once called journalism.

It is still called Journalism, it is just no longer practiced by the MSM.

on Nov 15, 2011

OWS has a heart of gold.  But that Tea Party...  link

What OWS crimes?  Oh, those crimes...  link

Cain? Fair game.  Clinton? Pointless soap opera distractionlink

on Dec 03, 2011

Inevitable:  "Jobless drop may lift Obama"

Page 1 headline in the Arizona Republic today, article courtesy of AP, of course.

Just the number, compared with last month's number.  Not a word about the drop in participation rate which explains the number (Thanks to Smoothseas for correcting my error).  Or that the 120k private sector jobs (which will get revised later) is still short of the number needed to 'break even' - to employ the net 140k entrants into the job market each month.  Or how at the current job-creation rate, we won't see 7% for years.  Just paragraph after paragraph of the political implications of the number, and how it may help BO, as if that is 'reporting the news'.

And, for dessert, the front-page article on F&F soft-pedals the whole 'misinformation accidentally' provided to Congress.

They couldn't care less about joblessness or criminal dereliction of duty in the DOJ - it's all about 'lifting Obama'.

Oh, and the admin mouthpieces are bragging about the 3 million jobs created over the past 3 years without mentioning that more than 5 million were needed to break even.

on Dec 03, 2011

Just the number, compared with last month's number. Not a word about the drop in participation rate which explains the number.

The AP article you mention did in fact mention the drop in the participation rate. It's in the 4th paragraph to be specific. And then mentioned again in the 15th paragraph.

Did you actually read the article or just the headlines before you became a mouthpiece. As far as the administrations comments how do you expect them to word it? About the same way a Republican Administration would if they were in control is what I would say. After all they are controlled by the same people and corporate interests.

on Dec 03, 2011

Smoothseas -

Your criticism is richly deserved.  I read through the whole thing and just missed the reference - went to page 4 too quickly I guess.  Thanks for pointing it out.  I've corrected my reply.

As for me becoming a mouthpiece, that would still seem to more appropriately apply to the AP.

As for the admin mouthpieces, I certainly expect them to spin, Democrat or Republican.  It's the AP which shouldn't.

on Dec 03, 2011

s for me becoming a mouthpiece, that would still seem to more appropriately apply to the AP.

The article is actually well balanced. The journalist outlines the story and includes not only the reported number but also shows why the figure went down (specifically the item you incorrectly stated as being omitted). Then there are four comments from the politicians. The administration spin was from the WH press briefing, the Democratic spin was from a bluedog and the Republican spin came from comments by Romney and Gingritch. How is that not neutral reporting?

The journalist was probably given a limitation on the length of the article so if you are expecting some sort of economists breakdown maybe you should tune to Bloomberg or some other financial outlet. Although maybe balanced reporting to you is FOX and in that case I would suggest tuning into FOX or FBN.



on Aug 13, 2012

Seems like a good time to revive this necrothread.

As posted in a reply to another post on the Ryan VP pick:

More evidence (as if any is needed):

60 Minutes (CBS) edited out comments made by Ryan about his Medicare-aged mother and the reality that his budget proposal guarantees that the Medicare promises already made to seniors, around which their retirement/financial lives have been organized, would not be broken, and puts in place significant reforms in order for any Medicare to be there for those currently under 55.

Today, Chuck Todd of NBC lets Gibbs spew a flat-out lie that his (Gibbs's) 83 year old 'cancer survivor' father would be forced to 'take a voucher' under Ryan's plan, Todd's only 'challenge' being "but Republicans would say...".  To which Gibbs replied that he wouldn't trust anything a Republican said about Medicare, which went without even a token challenge.

Ryan's proposal would not change, by a single nickel, the benefits received by current Medicare beneficiaries.

Again, the leftist media lapdogs are flat-out dishonest, committing lie after overt lie, not to mention lies by omission... and proud of it.

on Aug 29, 2012

Just listened to a wonderful speech by Condi Rice at the RNC.  Happened to be on NBC.

Brian Effing Williams immediately steps on (and in) it with his initial words during her standing O - "A speech we could easily have heard next week in North Carolina", "Some tepid talk on immigration met with meager applause."

He was clearly miffed that she came on and began her speech 5 minutes before NBC started their coverage.  How dare she/they? Didn't apologize or express regret that they had been unable to bring their viewers the full speech because of the early start, just complained about it.  At which point I turned the damn TV off.

Williams - totally neutral, Joe Friday all the way.

on Sep 04, 2012

Today Show this morning was a perfect example.

Paul Ryan was interviewed by Matt Lauer, Matt mustering all the condescending skepticism he could & prefacing his question with the undermining claim that he wasn't questioning Ryan's honesty but "many" others, even independent "experts", had done so, hammered Ryan on the Janesville silliness.  Ryan acquitted himself quite well.  But Matt played the aggressive journalistic watchdog, don't let 'em get away with anything bit to the hilt.

Right after that, Savannah Guthrie interviewed Elizabeth Warren, setting the table favorably for her with praise and serving up hanging curve after hanging curve for Warren to tee off on.  Not a single critical question.

And they insist they're not biased.

on Sep 04, 2012


The pro-life crowd are calling for more balanced reporting....








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