Published on January 2, 2013 By Daiwa In Entertainment

The opening was a bit off-putting, a saccharine, contrived scene to simply enable recitation of the Gettysburg Address in a very sappy way, but once that was behind us, the rest of the movie was superb.  Day-Lewis was near-perfect as Lincoln (at least to my mind's eye & ear).

Tommy Lee Jones steals the film as Thaddeus Stephens.

The opening aside, a great film with marvelous acting.  Even James Spader.  Very worthy of your time.

on Jan 02, 2013

Does he kill any vampires in it?

on Jan 02, 2013

Just one.

on Jan 07, 2013

I read Sally Fields had to fight to get her part in it.  They wanted someone younger.   (Per Entertainment Magazine~WHAT??  Gotta read something in the dentist's waiting room.  It was that or Automotive Something Or Other....)

on Jan 07, 2013

She was good in the role, but they treated her character with a lot more kindness than most historians have.

on Jan 07, 2013

I heard there was a lot of profanity in it and I just cant picture Lincoln that way. I'll watch it when its either on cable or BD, but I wouldn't rush out to see it. Actually, I don't rush out to see anything anymore lol.

on Jan 07, 2013

Very little profanity, actually.  I can recall only a couple times hearing the F word or Damn, and only the latter from Lincoln.