Has Fox gone over to the Dark Side?
Published on May 28, 2005 By Daiwa In Current Events
I couldn't believe my eyes & ears.

Fox News actually just now broke into a War on Terror interview with a "Breaking News" item to breathlessly inform us that the UN has announced that former President Clinton has canceled his upcoming trip to the Maldives because of "exhaustion."

How frickin' soap opera. Like that bit of non-news couldn't wait until 5pm. They even got Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld on the phone within minutes to reassure us that Clinton's OK. Oh, please.

I could see that on CNN, but Fox? Yikes.


on May 28, 2005

Fox is just like the rest.  But since it is owned by murdock, the liberals will spin it as conservative.  Even tho they have no proof of that lame claim.

on May 28, 2005
What I think you are overlooking is that this is essentially a deathwatch. Clinton has supposedly "bounced back" from his heart trouble several times during the last months, but in reality he looks worse and worse and stuff like this keeps happening.

I don't think it is them posting something trivial, I think they think, and I agree, that this is indicative of the fact Clinton is really, really unwell and his PR machine doesn't want to admit it openly.
on May 28, 2005
That may all be true, B Street, but a simple announcement of a change of travel plans hardly merits breaking into a program with the melodramatic music and flashing lights. If he had died or collapsed or almost anything newsworthy, I'd almost understand it. That Clinton has been ill hardly comes as a shock, after all.

on May 28, 2005

but a simple announcement of a change of travel plans hardly merits breaking into a program with the melodramatic music and flashing lights

Well, it is what passes as 'breaking news' to the media that does not know how to report, only make it.