Media Robbed of Yet Another Bashing Op
Published on September 22, 2005 By Daiwa In Current Events
Consistent with the logic & reasoning employed by certain JU bloggers, President Bush was personally responsible for the safe emergency landing yesterday of a Jet Blue Airbus A320 at Los Angeles International Airport. The aircraft had experienced a nosegear failure following takeoff from Burbank Airport hours earlier.

The pilot, thanks to Bush, after burning off as much fuel as possible and, in accordance with flight procedures directly authorized by the President and his FAA appointees, brought the aircraft down softly on the runway in a near-perfect landing, avoiding catastrophic failure of the nosegear and saving the lives of the 139 passengers and crew aboard. The President was personally responsible for the appointment of Nicholas A. Sabatini, Associate Administrator for Aviation Safety and the subsequent appointment of Marian C. Blakey as FAA Administrator, both of whom played key roles in the successful outcome of this incident.

Thanks to their tireless efforts, for which the President is personally responsible, in assuring full satisfaction of all relevant pilot training requirements by Jet Blue, serious injury and death were avoided and property damage minimized. Thanks to the skills of the pilot, skills acquired as a direct result of this President's actions and appointments, untold man-hours of time were also saved in minimizing the scope of the accident investigation, at immense savings to the taxpayer.

Not all were completely happy with the outcome, however, as the videotape of the landing was seriously devalued by the lack of a crash, leading some in the media to call for an investigation into how this could have happened.


on Sep 22, 2005
Yeah, but the humiliating random searches those passengers were force (By Bush) to endure before they even got on the flight were Bush's fault, and no life-saving measures by the crew or Bush can compensate for making those passengers "just want to die" from the embarrassment! ;~D
on Sep 23, 2005
Damn That Bush for doing right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on Sep 23, 2005
It's Bush's fault.