What the...?
Published on September 22, 2005 By Daiwa In Politics
The latest thoroughly predictable development from the left:

After publicly demanding an investigation into the government's collective unpreparedness for Katrina just 2 weeks ago (Link), Reid today, through his spokesperson, questioned just why the government is so damned prepared for Rita all of a sudden and called for an independent commission to find out (

Maybe there was more to that stroke than they're letting on. Just a thought.


on Sep 22, 2005
Darn those Texas Emergency Managers, Local Officials, and Texans themselves for doing it right! Don't they know that taking the time to do it right only shows an elitist attitude towards those who don't! How dare they!!

Or could it be simply that there was so much crap hoisted on the powers that be over Katrina that they actually took the time to reduce the threat of crap hitting the gale force winds again? Hmmmmmm

on Sep 22, 2005
We, the people, need some sort of veto on this kind of crap. I am sick and tired of seeing tens of millions of dollars spent on senate investigations of blowjobs, halliburton, etc., etc. Sometimes I think representitive government isn't representitive enough.
on Sep 23, 2005
Well, dubya couldn't let his fellow texans drown now could he? Or could it possibly be because he f**ked up the first go-around?

on Sep 23, 2005
Darn those Texas Emergency Managers, Local Officials, and Texans themselves for doing it right! Don't they know that taking the time to do it right only shows an elitist attitude towards those who don't! How dare they!!

We'll soon hear from Jesse that it's all a result of racist Republican policies - not enough rich white folk in Louisiana to bother with, but Tayhaas - thassa hole nuthuh mattuh ("Oil son, black gold, Texas tea").

We, the people, need some sort of veto on this kind of crap.

You're not saying we have a government of the elite, by the elite and for the elite, are you?

I am sick and tired of seeing tens of millions of dollars spent on senate investigations of blowjobs

I dunno... That could be one of the few Senate investigations to actually reveal some useful information, so you might wanna pick a different example.

on Sep 23, 2005
Well, dubya couldn't let his fellow texans drown now could he? Or could it possibly be because he f**ked up the first go-around?

See what I mean?

on Sep 23, 2005
on Sep 23, 2005
how dare you do that???!!!??? That is so incredibly reprehensible...to actually use a natural disaster to further a politcal agenda!!!! I mean...come on, now....the democrats would never....oh...oh wait.....
on Sep 23, 2005
on Sep 23, 2005
#6 by Island Dog
Friday, September 23, 2005


One more thing of note, for all the eco-nuts that blindly supports that Dems. Notice the huge HAZMAT spill (Gas and oil) coming from under those water logged busses.

Save the enviroment......