November 12, 2012 by
If you get harassing blocked phone calls or anonymous emails, do you call the FBI? And would they do anything but politely tell you to go pound sand ? To me, the strangest part of the Petraeus business is how the FBI got involved in the first place. Supposedly, if the story is to be believed, a private citizen who claimed not to know what the anonymous hostile emails were about managed to persuade the FBI to go looking for the source. Nothing I've read indicates she (...
October 22, 2012 by
But, Dan! Vote fraud is a non-problem which requires no solution . Even you Texans know you don't fix what ain't broke, and the left has been screaming forever that it ain't broke. Voter ID is just a way to suppress the vote. Get with the program, Dan.
September 15, 2012 by
I posted this in a reply elsewhere but I think it's worthy of its own thread. Major face-palm moment. I’m still stunned by it. The only explanation is that the producer is insane. NBC News, this evening’s newscast. Lester Holt presiding. A reporter conducts an interview of Libya’s President in which the President states unequivocally that the consulate attack was not a spontaneous uprising in response to a film or any other thing but rather a well-planned attack tha...
September 12, 2012 by
I fume when I hear 9/11 being labeled a 'tragedy', often by well-intentioned people who should know better. When people die in an earthquake, tornado, tsunami or hurricane, it's a tragedy. 9/11 was a barbaric, unspeakable, premeditated act of mass murder, conceived and carried out by the most depraved of all scum, unworthy of the word human. It differed from Auschwitz only in its method and victims. To label it a tragedy is to dishonor and trivialize those victims. ...
Not that anyone here (or in the GOP) particularly cares, but the GOP lost one registered Republican today with the rules shenanigans at the convention. I'll vote for Romney, but it's no longer a vote for him, rather a vote against Obama, and I'm re-registering as an Independent as soon as the local rules allow. RINO jackwagons kicking the proverbial gift horse in the teeth. Pure idiocy. McCain must be so proud.
Well, it was in the Fashion & Style section. Unlike this gem . NYT - Nothing if not predictable. N othing Y ou'd T rust.
I know Alex Jones is out there a bit, but these purchases of millions of rounds of HP ammo by DHS (and by the Weather Service ??? FCO) are disturbing, to say the least.
The relevant (most egregious) paragraph: The first-term Republican was back on the ballot just a year and a half after his election. Enraged Democrats and labor activists gathered more than 900,000 signatures in support of the recall after they failed to stop Walker and his GOP allies in the state Legislature from stripping most public employees of their union right to collectively bargain. I'm guessing the answer is the latter, but the former is certainly possible wit...
February 2, 2012 by
What USSC Justice Ginsberg thinks of the document she's sworn to uphold. Have the barf bag handy.
Just something that ought to be read. As one who can only take small, infrequent real-time doses of the hate, just to maintain a degree of immunity, I didn't catch any of this 'live'.
What an elegant and devastating take-down of a piece by Time's Managing Editor. Long, but I couldn't stop reading. Just amazing. I highly recommend it, especially to all my 'progressive' friends.
The 1-2-3 formula for the legacy media is quite obvious: 1) Make fun of Republicans. 2) Do a fluff piece making Obama look good. 3) Repeat 1) & 2) ad nauseum. Case in point - NBC Nightly News June 21, 2011. Shortly after a blurb making fun of Rick Perry for saying "Follow me on Tweeter" (Texas accent aside), a cute little video of a crying infant quieting as soon as it's placed in Obama's arms. Aaaaw. And they think they're clever. What ...
Yep, he's a dumb one, alright. Short interview. You'll know what I'm referring to.
I just happen to be watching Geraldo in the run-up to BO's surprise 'announcement' - the hyperventilating about what it might be about is just sickening. Worse than Al Capone's Vault. God save us.