While the drooling media types who can't stop the tingling in their legs were ' awed ' by the quickness of his reflexes (as was POTUS himself) when he swatted that fly, it gave me the creeps. Nothing before has so graphically demonstrated BO's detached arrogance and narcissism. Watch the clip and decide for yourself.
I just saw a commercial, a straight-out commercial, for FINRA . Slick, obviously expensive, in terms both of production and air-time. WTF are they doing spending my money on commercials? Are we really at the point where government agencies can lobby us in this way, with our own effin' money? Where is FINRA's IG, for cryin' out loud? EDIT: DOH! How dumb am I? Pretty dumb. FINRA's private (sort of). NEVERMIND. But wait - they are advertising...
All I can say is he came up with this in a wet dream.
I laughed my ass off at this juicy little attempt by MSNBC to be 'fair & balanced.' This woman actually came at this from the perspective that Palin has a problem with Letterman , and she wanted to know why. From a guy, no less, who had interviewed Palin. Was this lady an extra in Clueless? Is that the resume jewel that the talent-spotters at MSNBC picked up on? I thought about posting this in the humor section, then decided it was more sad than funny. If you ha...
Lead story on HuffPo today. BIG BOLD RED CAPS - they're shocked, I tell you, shocked. Apparently, someone was taking notes when Robert Reich said stimulus money shouldn't go to help southern white construction workers.
Because we just had to know, I guess. Or maybe it was a matter of national security. Can't get to the info on who/what funded this, yet, but if it wasn't the Feds you could knock me over with a feather.
December 11, 2010 by
First, Obama. Now THIS . And THE TOPPER .
September 8, 2010 by
With the confusion virus, that is. In discussing the Gates Foundation's operations, there was this little jewel: Pablo Eisenberg of Georgetown University's Center for Public & Nonprofit Leadership said the foundation has a moral obligation to share its decision-making process more broadly as it distributes what is partly taxpayer dollars they saved on taxes by giving the money away. Technically, it's Pablo Eisenberg who is infected, but the WSJ let this go unchallenged: that mo...
And our local rag/fishwrap gives it the Page A1 above-the-fold lead headline - damn near 'Dewey Defeats Truman'. They don't even bother to disguise the game plan - the webpage name reads '...health- rollout ...'. So we can look forward to more sales snow jobs to come. Can't wait.
I'm 61, a Republican since Nixon lost to Kennedy. I've never been more ashamed to be a Republican than when Boehner and other Republican leaders threw Joe Barton under the bus for speaking his honest opinion, not to mention the truth, about the 'shakedown' of BP. Not even during the height of Watergate. I can't believe what cowards our party's so-called 'leaders' are. The Constitutional issues here are real and deserve to have a very bright light shined on them. Bo...
A telling quote from today's NYT article on the woes of being David Axelrod these days, about the administration's 'perception problem': Chris Lehane, a former top aide to Vice President Al Gore , says the administration should tell a clearer story. “They have been enormously capable in dealing with the day-to-day challenges of the government,” Mr. Lehane said. “But they don’t seem to get the credit they deserve for that because they’ve communicated no over...
January 28, 2010 by
Who can possibly dispute his utter contempt for the Constitution now? What chutzpa and disrespect, with the members of SCOTUS sitting right in front of him. I knew he had an ego, but this went so far beyond the pale I'm having trouble believing what my eyes saw and my ears heard. And for the Dems to give him a standing O for it was breathtaking. Absolutely disgusting. Maybe not the last nail in the coffin, but close.
December 23, 2009 by
The irony of CNN deriding her 'death panel' comment as 'Lie of the Year' during the same week that the Senate healthcare bill itself confirms the truth of her accusation is just too rich. The IMAB will be real, unelected, unaccountable, unassailable - and forever untouchable if Reid has his way. Not that you'd ever know from reading the NYT or watching NBC/ABC/CBS. So confident in the merits of the idea are the Senate Dems that they are trying to immunize it against future repeal....
November 16, 2009 by
I apologize for the length of this article but the subject matter doesn't lend itself to brevity. There has been a lot of back and forth about 'death panels' in the course of the healthcare reform debate and those who've raised concerns about the likelihood of faceless government bureaucrats making individual patient care decisions have been dismissed as right-wing kooks, haters, uncaring, venal, mean, etc. (Many of you will recognize the foregoing as a classic Obama rhetorical tic, but ...