October 22, 2004 by
Fact: The Red Sox last won a World Series 86 years ago. Fact: The Red Sox last appeared in a World Series in 19 86 . Fact: Total number of runs scored in the 2004 ALCS = 86 . Inescapable Conclusion: The Sox will 86 the Cardinals. Cheers, And thanks, blogic, for being a sport, Daiwa
October 29, 2004 by
With real evidence , as opposed to wild-ass wishful thinking, beginning to mount that the 219 tons of explosives in question more likely were removed from the Al Qaqaa munitions depot before the invasion of Iraq, Kerry is subtly backtracking today. That's right, I said 219 tons. Turns out 158 tons of the high explosives the IAEA says went missing were never at Al QaQaa , and that's according to the IAEA itself. But 377 tons sounds a lot scarier doesn't it? More on that later. ...
November 2, 2004 by
Just caught some TV footage of Kerry & his wife having their "traditional" post-vote lunch at an oyster bar in Boston. Kerry was smiling, a bit animated & seemed at least somewhat upbeat. Thereza was absolutely stone-faced, wooden, seemingly distracted and just plain droopy, looking like she would have given anything to be anywhere but there. I suppose she could just be under the weather, but I've had a feeling for awhile that she's decided politics is below her, too dirty an endeavour...
November 7, 2004 by
Interesting that some of the "liberal-minded" bloggers, who seem to be the most distressed by Bush's re-election, such as WiseFawn & dabe, are blogging away while blocking all comments (in the case of dabe, after I had posted one) and some (blogic) have just disappeared. Just an observation. I know it's their privilege to do that, but I find it instructive. Cheers, Daiwa
January 31, 2005 by
Well, it didn't take long. Just to be sure the joy didn't get out of hand, and since they've lost another wrongly-predicted disaster to complain about, some from the left have already moved on to their next battleground - what they all call the Absence of an Exit Strategy. Never mind that there is a public timetable, adhered to to the day so far, for all the steps in the transition to a fully independent Iraqi State: Election of a Constitutional Congress, a deadline for development of ...
Someone recently posted two inflammatory rants, without any substantive underpinning, including in each a laundry list of insults and snide remarks directed at conservatives and "rightwingers." Nothing in either article invited any "debate" as they were nothing more than an individual ventilating his/her spleen by spouting opinions disparaging of others. This someone then took offense when some, including me, replied in kind, blacklisting me and apparently a few others for alleged "person...
"He..Hello? Is this the CIA?" "Oh, good. May I speak to someone in the Covert Agent Identification Section, please?" "Yes, the Covert Agent Identification Section." "You don't? Are you certain about that? There's this fella's wife who I'm told is a CIA employee and I really need to know if she's a secret agent in case someone asks me a question about her husband. I'm pretty sure she works there and I figured you folks would know." "No, I just know her husband's name is Wilson...
September 22, 2005 by
The latest thoroughly predictable development from the left: After publicly demanding an investigation into the government's collective unpreparedness for Katrina just 2 weeks ago ( Link ), Reid today, through his spokesperson, questioned just why the government is so damned prepared for Rita all of a sudden and called for an independent commission to find out ( Link ). Maybe there was more to that stroke than they're letting on. Just a thought. Cheers, Daiwa
February 13, 2006 by
I was listening to various radio outlets today and could not believe my ears when several of the hourly newscasts actually led with a story about how much hot water Scott McClellan was in today over the White House "delaying" the announcement of Cheney's hunting fiasco for... 24 HOURS . 24 hours . My God, Jim... the Federation could fall apart over something like this. The mind boggles.
Bob Novak has finally broken his silence and revealed that noone gave him Valerie Plame's name. His primary source, who remains unnamed, apparently made an inadvertent & passsing reference to Wilson's wife having had a role in his getting the Niger assignment during the course of a lengthy interview that covered a number of other subjects. Novak picked up on the comment, looked up Wilson's wife's name in Who's Who (there's tight cover, for ya), called the CIA & asked if she worked there, was...
How frickin' stupid do Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel and Hilldog think we are? Apparently pretty frickin' stupid. I despair for our despotic future with "leaders" like these. More like snakes than leaders. I's regusted, I tell ya.
How pathetic. They have no shame. None, whatsoever.
Remember the routine media disgust & disdain for Bush's golf outings? How sarcastically critical the news accounts were when something big happened while he was on the course? Even when he decided to stop playing golf out of respect for the troops in harm's way, he was denounced as 'shallow.' Suddenly it's all good .
While the drooling media types who can't stop the tingling in their legs were ' awed ' by the quickness of his reflexes (as was POTUS himself) when he swatted that fly, it gave me the creeps. Nothing before has so graphically demonstrated BO's detached arrogance and narcissism. Watch the clip and decide for yourself.
I just saw a commercial, a straight-out commercial, for FINRA . Slick, obviously expensive, in terms both of production and air-time. WTF are they doing spending my money on commercials? Are we really at the point where government agencies can lobby us in this way, with our own effin' money? Where is FINRA's IG, for cryin' out loud? EDIT: DOH! How dumb am I? Pretty dumb. FINRA's private (sort of). NEVERMIND. But wait - they are advertising...