Senate Dems Prove It
Published on December 23, 2009 By Daiwa In Politics

The irony of CNN deriding her 'death panel' comment as 'Lie of the Year' during the same week that the Senate healthcare bill itself confirms the truth of her accusation is just too rich.

The IMAB will be real, unelected, unaccountable, unassailable - and forever untouchable if Reid has his way.  Not that you'd ever know from reading the NYT or watching NBC/ABC/CBS.  So confident in the merits of the idea are the Senate Dems that they are trying to immunize it against future repeal.  What evil, pathetic cowards.

They know no shame and lie through their teeth.  Sarah has more character and backbone than all of them combined.

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on Dec 24, 2009

The irony of CNN deriding her 'death panel' comment as 'Lie of the Year' during the same week that the Senate healthcare bill itself confirms the truth of her accusation is just too rich.

The IMAB will be real, unelected, unaccountable, unassailable - and forever untouchable if Reid has his way.  Not that you'd ever know from reading the NYT or watching NBC/ABC/CBS.  So confident in the merits of the idea are the Senate Dems that they are trying to immunize it against future repeal.  What evil, pathetic cowards.

You must have read the law differently than others:


They know no shame and lie through their teeth.  Sarah has more character and backbone than all of them combined.

Sarah Palin is an experienced loonie who cannot even remember her own opinions from a year ago.

If the Republican party and conservatives in general should have any hope to regain power they ought to stay clear of people like her and the crowd that is even worse than she.

As it stands _I_ wouldn't vote Republican at this moment, if I were an American citizen. And if you know me from JU you know what that means.

You and others are under a weird spell just like the Obama fans. But in contrast to Palin Obama has become more normal and mainstream over the past year.

You can resent me for saying this or you can think about my point. It's up to you.

But it's clear to me that if _I_ have a problem with a certain nut, left-wingers and moderates probably won't want to eat it either.

Last year Palin seemed like a dumb but presentable vice-presidential candidate. Since then she has lost it completely. You don't see senator McCain stand by her side or campaign for her, do you? Why do you think is? Has McCain become a traitor to the conservative cause or did he simply remain sane while so many Republicans turned into the same type of complete and utter loonies as were those lefties who protested George Bush's policies?

It's no wonder Colin Powell finally decided to support Barack Obama. He saw what was happening in the GOP. And at some point somebody must step up and stop these things, before it's too late.


on Dec 24, 2009

It's no wonder Colin Powell finally decided to support Barack Obama.

Powell has been awful quiet lately.

on Dec 24, 2009

Powell has been awful quiet lately.

He is in a difficult situation, just like last year.

Obama isn't the Messiah people thought he would be, and neither is the Stalinist catastrophe others exspected.

Powell probably misses his Republican party.


on Dec 24, 2009

LGF?  You think he's objective?  I usually agree with your logical approach to things, but your reply here is all logic-free emotionalism.

on Dec 24, 2009

You don't see senator McCain stand by her side or campaign for her, do you?

??? She's not running for anything.  Bit disingenuous.

Has McCain become a traitor to the conservative cause

Having never been a conservative, there's been nothing to betray.

Powell probably misses his Republican party.

I have no sympathy for that position.  Powell could have had the Republican Party at one time.

on Dec 24, 2009

LGF?  You think he's objective?  I usually agree with your logical approach to things, but your reply here is all logic-free emotionalism.

I don't think Charles (of LGF) is objective at all. I was referring to his site because he is right, not because he is objective.

The fact that Sarah Palin is an idiot who cannot remember her own opinions of one year ago is plainly visible to both the logical and the emotional. I realised it some time ago and my logical approach allowed me to form an opinion of her.


She's not running for anything.  Bit disingenuous.

She's definitely running for President in a few years. That's her plan. She is constantly campaigning. That's what politicians do when they don't shut up.


Having never been a conservative, there's been nothing to betray.

Senator McCain represents the very values of a great America that I admire. If he is not a conservative and if it is not his values that conservatives want to conserve, then perhaps there is nothing good about conservatism in America.


I have no sympathy for that position.  Powell could have had the Republican Party at one time.

That's true. And he could have run for President. And perhaps he should have. a black Republican President would have been the very symbolism the world needed.

But the party of Lincoln are now teaming up with white supremacists and morons. (You can find the connections documented by LGF.) That's not the Republican party I support. And I doubt that such a Republican party will gain lots of votes from the centre.

I am sure the Republicans will win a few seats next year (or whenever those elections are), but I doubt it will be the Tea Party crowd that will attract many votes in undecided districts. It will be sane Republicans who will get votes from Democrats, not Sarah Palin.

You think Democrats hat an irrational hatred for George Bush? Well, they did, but for Sarah Palin sane Democrats add to the number.




on Dec 24, 2009

LMAO, citing LGF as a rational, factual defense of an opinion is so damn laughable it's pathetic. Try tossing out some actual documented facts if you want to be taken seriously.

on Dec 24, 2009

LMAO, citing LGF as a rational, factual defense of an opinion is so damn laughable it's pathetic. 

Really? I found LGF to be very rational and an excellent source for all matters political. Charles Johnson discovered Dan Rather's lie about George Bush's time in the National Guard and the manipulated photographs during the Lebanon war. He is also one of the founders of Pajamas Media.

Not exactly a site that I would consider laughable when it comes to rational, factual defence of an opinion. LGF is instead the best example of rationality that I have seen on the Web.

You might want to read the Wikipedia page about LGF to get an idea of what LGF is and who Charles Johnson is:

And he rightly calls out politician's connections to white supremacists and European neo-Nazi groups.

Maybe you fell for the same lie that the National Review wrote about:

"I'm losing patience with this notion, surely one of the most successful media Big Lies of the past few years, that Charles runs a racist hate site. By now it's been repeated so often that even normally reasonable people believe it."

The truth is that LGF is simply the most rational blog I know. And while I do not always agree with Charles, I find it utterly ridiculous to claim that "citing LGF as a rational, factual defense of an opinion is so damn laughable it's pathetic". In fact it is pathetic to make that claim, utterly and absolutely pathetic. It has no basis in reality.


Try tossing out some actual documented facts if you want to be taken seriously.

That's what LGF is constantly doing. Take it seriously, if you want to follow your principle.

The incidents I mentioned which I read about on LGF did happen and LGF did have the links to prove it. Perhaps YOU should offer something to disprove LGF's links rather than attack the messenger or ignore the fact that documented facts were given?

Or is that too much to ask?


on Dec 24, 2009

Please cite the facts depicted in this, which you linked:


It doesn't in any way factually deal with the issue you were trying to deride. There is nothing there that actually states anything factual to dispute the death panel idea (which I personally think is hyperbole anyway but that is beside the point here).

on Dec 25, 2009
Leauki could it be LGF's pro Israel stance is swaying your opinion just a little?
on Dec 25, 2009

Please cite the facts depicted in this, which you linked:

Very well. If it's difficult to find.

First he points out that Sarah Palin indeed mentions "death panels":

..merged bill may b unrecognizable from what assumed was a done deal:R death panels back in?what’s punishment 4not purchasing mandated HC?

Then he links to his previous article where he wrote about it:

In that article he linked to PolitiFact:

That article quotes Palin's original statement about the "death panels":

Seniors and the disabled "will have to stand in front of Obama's 'death panel' so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their 'level of productivity in society,' whether they are worthy of health care."

The rest of the article explains why and how Sarah Palin's assertion is wrong.

What else do you need for facts?


It doesn't in any way factually deal with the issue you were trying to deride. There is nothing there that actually states anything factual to dispute the death panel idea (which I personally think is hyperbole anyway but that is beside the point here).

You really ought to follow the links in articles. I hope you follow my links above.

I also doubt that the new health care law specifically mentions that nobody ought to be painted green but that doesn't mean that it demands that people paint themselves in that colour.


Leauki could it be LGF's pro Israel stance is swaying your opinion just a little?


And his stance on "Intelligent Design" and Creationism also does. As does his stance on American foreign policy and everything else where he diligently follows up on claims and finds the facts.

I was, as I said before, also quite impressed by the fact that he uncovered Dan Rather's lie about George Bush a few days before the 2004 elections and that he regularly points out manipulated photographs.

To claim that LGF is a Web site known for not delivering facts is just ridiculous.

I don't know of any other blog that links to so many sites and cites so many facts as LGF. And that includes other blogs I reading including those that are more pro-Israel, in case you think that matters.

The fact is that Sarah Palin said something stupid about a law not backed up by the text of the law. LGF pointed that out and linked to articles proving that Palin was wrong. Attacking LGF won't change that fact and is instead simply a strategy of losers.

Gail Wilensky, a health adviser to President George H.W. Bush, said the charge was untrue and upsetting.

I would really like to know which particular text in the proposed law actually backs up the claim that there will be "death panels".

But for some reason that particular text is never cited and instead those who reject Palin's silly claims are attacked. Is that really the politician people want? That's just sick.

This in particular is really silly:

"There is nothing there that actually states anything factual to dispute the death panel idea"

What an idiotic statement. Seriously, and as I said, there is probably nothing in the law that disputes that everyone must paint themselves green. But that doesn't mean (or even imply) that there will be committees that will force people to paint themselves in that colour.

If one wants to scream "death panels", one better finds where that law mentions them or something that would work like a "death panel". Just making the claim and then complaining that the text doesn't specifically reject the idea is just silly.

(In Ireland we have a law that states that one must not climb a fence and enter a public park when the park is closed. The law does not specifically mention that there won't be death panels. But that doesn't mean that we can assume that that law recommends or allowed death panels.)




on Dec 25, 2009

And the idea that I shouldn't be swayed by a site's previous performance is just ridiculous also. OF COURSE my opinion is influenced by the fact that LGF has in the past also been right and knew all the facts and presented lots of evidence.


on Dec 25, 2009

Sarah Palin also didn't say that the panel members would be armed & would shoot 'unworthies' on sight.

Her basic point is correct - you don't need LGF to interpret the bill for you, it's right there in plain language.  The only thing she got technically wrong was the 'go before' part, which was of course not intended literally in the first place.

on Dec 25, 2009

What else do you need for facts?

I am embarrassed for you Leauki.  That was the most contorted session of circular logic that provided no facts, just opinion!  It is indeed the opinion of the noblesse oblige in the US that there are no such things as "Death Panels", and that it is a lie - IN THEIR OPINION.  Since Palin never stated that the term "death Panel" was anywhere in the legislation, only that the end result was that, we are dealing with each and every one's opinions.  NOT FACTS.

And while you may want to call a Committee to Decide End of Life Care Eligibility as a Committee to Decide End of Life Care Eligibilty, some of us - again in our OPINION - prefer the easier to use term - death panel.

The biggest lie of the year was not Sarah's.  It was the State Media and their failure to do their job.  Call it what you will, but opinions are not lies.  They may be wrong, but not lies.

on Dec 25, 2009

Oh and one more question Leauki.  YOu spent a lot of time trying to justify an opinion of others,. how about justifying your own.  Where did Sarah Palin do as you say?  I would love to read your justification.  I strongly suspect that none of it is fact, just opinion, and based upon your moderate to left leaning, that is why you dont like Palin, do like McCain and tolerate Obama (however only people who love narcistics can love Obama).

IN my opinion, you are suffering from State Media Propaganda instituted by the state run MSM.  They hate Palin because she is a real threat to Obama - their messiah.  You dont like her positions (being too conservative for your tastes) so you of course glom onto anything negative about her and regurgitate it, without any critical thinking or questioning of what they are telling you.  Or further research into why perhaps they want people to think of her the way you do.

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