So Long, Cox
Published on May 13, 2012 By Daiwa In Movies & TV & Books

After months (OK, years) of fuming at my cable bill, asking myself why I'm paying $92 a month for cable TV (with NO premium channels) when I hardly watch anything but the Science Channel & NatGeo anymore, I finally broke out of my inertia & pulled the plug.

Fortunately, digital antennas have improved to the point that OTA HD channel reception is as good as cable or dish, at least here.  

We have 4 TV's in the house (2 of which were old CRT behemoths until earlier this year).  I now have 3 of them on $30 RCA flat-box antennas and one on a $13 RCA rabbit ear version, all with great reception.  I bought 2 Apple TV's and a Netflix subscription.

Old = $1100 a year (it's always frosted me they charge monthly rent for the remotes, FCOL).

New = $350 one time cost & $8 a month, $96 a year.

I think I like New.  I'll add stuff a la carte for sports & series I really want to watch (like Hell on Wheels) & I'll be able to watch them on my schedule - don't even need a DVR.

Now to figure out what else to do with all that money I'm saving.  After I finish kicking myself for not doing this long ago.

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 13, 2012

Yep, did same thing about 2 years ago. Never looked back.

on May 13, 2012

I don't even watch TV anymore because a lot of the shows I would like to watch get canceled before they even get going. That and the charges they put on every little thing makes it too damn expensive! A basic cable package without any premium channels costs about $99.00 a month where I'm at. So what's the point.

on May 13, 2012

I'm glad you posted this info Daiwa , I'm in the process of revamping my bedroom into a home theatre complete with surround sound but wasn't really thrilled with the thought of getting a ComCast cable account. You have opened my eyes to a very viable alternative that I'm definitely going to look into. Thank-you !

on May 13, 2012

Glad you found a cheaper solution...

i have no cable and no digital without that since 5 years now and i must say i dont miss it
i read and google more for that  

on May 13, 2012

do you get HBO, with that ?

I got to have True Blood and Bill Maher

 my cable bill is almost $200.00 a month with Internet

on May 13, 2012

I completely removed the omnidirectional sludgepump (tv) from my life many years ago. It's been great to have my brain and my own thoughts back. It gives you time for more important things too.

on May 13, 2012

I enjoy the history, science, bio, usa and tnt all of which I can't get on an antena.  I used to be on one when I was in the city and got HD and a lot of stations but not here in the country.

on May 13, 2012

That's the real problem... you need to research if the move is actually a good one for you. You have to check availability, time, channels... worth the work if you come up with a solution. I think cable's going the way of the dinosaur... will just take time 'til someone puts them out of our misery.

on May 13, 2012

Seeing this reminded me to finally call the cableco and cancel local TV channels (can't get OTA signal here)... there was only even one program on there that I watched anyway, not worth $20/mo. Mostly just watch streaming programs online. I can watch that one program from "real" TV on Hulu at a week delay anyhow.

on May 13, 2012

HBO is still initially cable-only, I believe, but a lot of the HBO stuff ends up available on Netflix later.

And Doc's right - if we didn't have good OTA access I would have switched to DN or DTV, only because it would have been a significant savings over the first two years.  Once the promo's over, though, back to square one at pretty much the same cost as cable.

on May 14, 2012

I disconnected over a year ago. Not going back without at least a 70% reduction in cost.

NetFlix and Amazon Prime subs. I have 1 TV with a Roku SX and another with Xbox360.....

The ONLY thing I miss about CATV is Speed Channel and it wasn't worth $180 a month.


HBO is still initially cable-only, I believe, but a lot of the HBO stuff ends up available on Netflix later.

I'm pretty sure there's HBO on the Roku....I don't pay for it, but I've seen it in the channel list.

on May 14, 2012

cable has never been that expensive in my experience.  i get the pro internet through my cable; which i need, because everyone's hammering the wireless.  the cable tv is not that much more after that.

on May 14, 2012

No more cable for me. Nope. I got mine lappy and if I want to watch something I'll either rent it or buy it. Later on maybe get a big HD monitor, about a bazillion inches, and I'll be good to go.

on May 14, 2012

I'd scared to do this because of the likelihood of broadband caps in the US. 

on May 14, 2012

I became cable free shortly after I became job-free. The over the air broadcasts lack cable's variety but the signal quality and digital surround sound (fiber-optic from my tv to my amp) is excellent. I'm using a small outdoor uhf unit with a 40db amplifier for it since we are over 30 miles from the stations. 

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