October 26, 2016 by
Like the new layout & look of the forum pages. Just noticed that the title text in list view doesn't change from bold to normal after reading a post (as it had previously). Just FYI for the devs.
September 2, 2016 by
For several months now, randomly, when I click on the 'go to last reply' icon next to the 'last reply' user's name in the Last Reply Info column (Recent Posts or My Replies) there is no such reply with that user's name. Just FYI for Admins
February 19, 2016 by
One of the most fascinating books (and maybe longest) I've ever read was Foucault's Pendulum by Eco. Hard to imagine investing that amount of time in reading a book these days, but if you are so inclined, Pendulum should not disappoint. Interesting fellow.
For reasons unknown, clicking on the "Apply" button in WB Config now opens My Cart in the Stardock Store and won't actually apply the skin. Not only that, My Cart shows 2 items in the cart that I never put there. This behavior has survived several reboots. Only happening on one of 3 rigs, so a re-install of WB would appear to be in order. Only posting because it was so odd. I'll post a follow-up after the re-install.
Just seems like something people would enjoy knowing. Physicians are currently subject to the scrutiny of the following fraud-prevention agencies & programs (could be more for all I know): HEAT - H ealthcare Fraud Prevention and E nforcement A ction T eam CERT - C omprehensive E rror R ate T esting MAC s - M edicare A dministrative C ontractors MEDIC s - Me dicare D rug I ntegrity C ontractors RAC ...
Fools too often don't know they're foolish until it's too late.
February 27, 2015 by
For other-than-AirPrint-printers requires a desktop app to print 'via', but works great. Still can't print from within VPN sessions, but finally a solution for general printing to non-HP and network printers and it's free if you grab it now. Not a new app, but newly free (temporarily) courtesy of Apple.
November 5, 2014 by
Tim Scott. Mia Love.
I feel I've awakened in some alternative universe. If Tom Friedman does something like this, I'll know I have for sure.
Logged on to my laptop this afternoon and a popup appeared in the lower right corner of the desktop labeled "Magic Barrage". Text below it was "Get Gift" "Enjoy Game" "Win Confidence" And a button labeled "Play Now". Which of course I'm not clicking. Anyone know what this is and what process it might be associated with? Nothing in Task Manager seems to match it. MalwareBytes didn't identify a problem. Thanks
Funniest scumbag on TV, hands down. Thank you, God, for MSNBC. Things are revealed there that we might otherwise never know.
On Friday, the White House (President Obama) published a statement commemorating the 10th annual International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, May 17th. May 17th was also Armed Forces Day, a Federal Holiday established during the Truman administration to honor our military members for their patriotic service. The White House statement commemorating Armed Forces Day and reminding us to honor... oh, wait .
But there is no leftist bias in the media, folks. Honest. Swear to God. Just the sick product of the fevered imaginations of the RWNJ's.
For some reason, SDC offers WB7 & WB8 as 'New Software' even though I'm running WB8 on my Win7 rig. Even after refreshing & whatnot. Posted for benefit of devs.