This is taken from a reply I posted in another thread. I think merits its own discussion. “Let me just be specific about some things that I’ve been hearing lately that we just need to dispose of here. The rumor that’s been circulating a lot lately is this idea that somehow the House of Representatives voted for death panels that will basically pull the plug on grandma because we’ve decided that we don’t, it’s too expensive to let her live anymore......
From his scripted townhall this morning: "UPS and FedEx are doing just fine. ... It's the Post Office that's always having problems." Nutshell.
I know it's inevitable, but that makes it no less disgusting. We've known forever that election to Congress comes with an official license to steal from us then lie about it with a straight face, but it has definitely reached new heights, doesn't matter what letter follows your name. The little nugget that stuck out for me: $350 per day for incidentals . When I plan trips, if the cost of transportation and lodging exceeds $200/day, forget about 'incidentals,' I don't go .
This is a bit long, but well-documented, very entertaining and worthy of a complete read-through. It is clear that Reid & Pelosi, along with most senior Democrats, believe we mere citizens are idiotic fools. That they think, even for a nanosecond, that they can lie so blatantly and tell us repeatedly that the sky is down when we can see perfectly well for ourselves it is up, speaks volumes. These people are so toast in 2010.
After saying since forever that health care reform is 'what the American people want,' now it's: "I promise you, we will pass reform by the end of this year because the American people need it," Obama said in Wakarusa, Indiana, where he traveled to tout his economic initiatives. "We're going to have to make it happen." Damn those PITA patients who refuse their medicine. (I'm from Indiana, and I've never heard of Wakarusa, BTW)
Gotta love how they squeal when their own tactics are used against them. Priceless.
The media are doing their part to help BO in so many ways. The idea that fat people should be blamed & held responsible for their health care costs, while the fit & thin get the free ride, is gaining traction thanks to articles like this. The only silver lining, should obesity taxes & surcharges become a reality, is that they would hit Michael Moore the hardest.
GE/NBC can't bring itself to report the truth. They know how Chicago politicians operate and there's too much at stake, you know. So instead, they whitewash and kiss butt.
Boggles the mind that these assholes have the gall to accept paychecks from us.
It surprises me considerably that there is so little interest here in the health care bill debacle that BO wants to ram down our throats before we can know all that's in it. What little we know is scary enough. He counsels patience on everything that isn't going as planned but somehow passing Obamacare is a dire emergency that must be passed immediately - 'healthcare reform' is the only thing that will keep us from bankruptcy (so he claims). His incessant 'sky is falling' shtic...
How pathetic. They have no shame. None, whatsoever.
Remember the routine media disgust & disdain for Bush's golf outings? How sarcastically critical the news accounts were when something big happened while he was on the course? Even when he decided to stop playing golf out of respect for the troops in harm's way, he was denounced as 'shallow.' Suddenly it's all good .
While the drooling media types who can't stop the tingling in their legs were ' awed ' by the quickness of his reflexes (as was POTUS himself) when he swatted that fly, it gave me the creeps. Nothing before has so graphically demonstrated BO's detached arrogance and narcissism. Watch the clip and decide for yourself.
I just saw a commercial, a straight-out commercial, for FINRA . Slick, obviously expensive, in terms both of production and air-time. WTF are they doing spending my money on commercials? Are we really at the point where government agencies can lobby us in this way, with our own effin' money? Where is FINRA's IG, for cryin' out loud? EDIT: DOH! How dumb am I? Pretty dumb. FINRA's private (sort of). NEVERMIND. But wait - they are advertising...
Olby's Worse/Worser/Worst pronouncements June 12, 2009. Worse - Andrew Brietbart Worser- Rush Limbaugh Worst- Michelle Malkin You'd think he could come up with some more original or creative targets, but what the hell... You Go, Girl! Here's the article (he especially loved the shopped cartoon) that captured the gold ring for her.