How frickin' stupid do Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel and Hilldog think we are? Apparently pretty frickin' stupid. I despair for our despotic future with "leaders" like these. More like snakes than leaders. I's regusted, I tell ya.
I like to think that my subscription cancelation last year played a small part. Of course, they're blaming it on 'the internet' rather than the biased, agenda-driven crap they publish under the rubric of 'news'. FWIW, couldn't get links or smilies to insert in the text box. See the external link.
There was an article bearing the same title, I think by ParaTed2k?, which appears to have disappeared from JU. Anyone know what happened to it?
Yet another "LAST STRAW". Just wanted to beat Gene to the punch. Couldn't resist.
December 6, 2006 by
This is a true story. About illegal immigration. About a broken criminal justice system. About irrational judges. About how a single tragic event can encapsulate so much of what's not right with our "system." Six days ago, a 15-year-old girl, walking in a marked school-zone crosswalk on her way to school, was struck by a car which ran through the crosswalk at speed, the impact flinging her some 150 feet in the air. Slowing only slightly, the driver managed to swerve to the left just in t...
Bob Novak has finally broken his silence and revealed that noone gave him Valerie Plame's name. His primary source, who remains unnamed, apparently made an inadvertent & passsing reference to Wilson's wife having had a role in his getting the Niger assignment during the course of a lengthy interview that covered a number of other subjects. Novak picked up on the comment, looked up Wilson's wife's name in Who's Who (there's tight cover, for ya), called the CIA & asked if she worked there, was...
February 13, 2006 by
I was listening to various radio outlets today and could not believe my ears when several of the hourly newscasts actually led with a story about how much hot water Scott McClellan was in today over the White House "delaying" the announcement of Cheney's hunting fiasco for... 24 HOURS . 24 hours . My God, Jim... the Federation could fall apart over something like this. The mind boggles.
February 12, 2006 by
I have nothing to add to the headline. Just struck me as funny, given today's record snowfall. Cheers, Daiwa
Of course, I'm referring to his comments about Sharon's stroke being God's punishment. What an ass. He's one sorry excuse for a Christian, deserving of nothing but our pity & scorn. So what were the sins of the miners, Pat - what were they suffocated for? What was their heinous sin that your vengeful & righteous God had to smite them? May the God you falsely claim to represent have mercy on your pathetic soul. Daiwa
October 19, 2005 by
First saw a TV ad for the Solstice back in March during the NCAA basketball tournament and immediately decided I had to have one - it was just too good. Unusual for me, since I buy a car every 8-10 years whether I need it or not. Went to Pontiac's website & there it was, at a price I thought was a typo - less than $20k base. So I called my local dealer: only one problem - no such car existed outside the web page at the time and wouldn't until a limited edition run of 1000 vehicles was pr...
September 22, 2005 by
The latest thoroughly predictable development from the left: After publicly demanding an investigation into the government's collective unpreparedness for Katrina just 2 weeks ago ( Link ), Reid today, through his spokesperson, questioned just why the government is so damned prepared for Rita all of a sudden and called for an independent commission to find out ( Link ). Maybe there was more to that stroke than they're letting on. Just a thought. Cheers, Daiwa
September 22, 2005 by
Consistent with the logic & reasoning employed by certain JU bloggers, President Bush was personally responsible for the safe emergency landing yesterday of a Jet Blue Airbus A320 at Los Angeles International Airport. The aircraft had experienced a nosegear failure following takeoff from Burbank Airport hours earlier. The pilot, thanks to Bush, after burning off as much fuel as possible and, in accordance with flight procedures directly authorized by the President and his FAA appointees, ...
I accidentally deleted a shared folder on my network server from a client rig, so the folder doesn't show up in either Recycle Bin. Is there a way to recover the folder? [Bangs head on wall thrice] Thanks, Daiwa
Thought I had glyphs figured out - Ha! I went to do a button glyph & SKS shows the Attribute (& subattributes) but won't give me a drop-down box to designate an image. What am I missing? Thanks, Daiwa
"He..Hello? Is this the CIA?" "Oh, good. May I speak to someone in the Covert Agent Identification Section, please?" "Yes, the Covert Agent Identification Section." "You don't? Are you certain about that? There's this fella's wife who I'm told is a CIA employee and I really need to know if she's a secret agent in case someone asks me a question about her husband. I'm pretty sure she works there and I figured you folks would know." "No, I just know her husband's name is Wilson...